Teenie Weenie Fingerprints #3

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"I am sorry to tell you this mr Carstairs but your partner mrs Emma Carstairs experienced extreme haemorrhaging and an early birth. Unfortunately she didn't make it. I'm so sorry for your loss." The woman seemed more bored than anything else and a small part of his mind registered how rude that was, that same part smirked at the fact they thought he and Emma shared a last name. Or at least it did before the rest of his world turned monochrome and all he could see was the blurry outlines of objects, noises too loud, lights too bright as if he was in his own personal hell. The words didn't compute themselves. Emma, dead. Emma. Dead. He said them over and over in his mind but whichever way he put them they didn't make sense didn't deny what they were saying. He felt a wetness on his cheeks, tears that couldn't even begin to capture the ripping sensation his insides were going through.
"Sir?!" The woman screamed. He realised he had collapsed into the nearest chair unable to support himself I wasn't there, she died alone, without me. For once I cant follow her
"What about the baby?!" He practically yelled at the woman not caring about the look he revived from the others in the waiting room
"Mrs Carstairs delivered two healthy, if not small, twins a boy and girl. You may go in and see them" that was a hit while he was down. Two babies. Two. By himself. He had to see Emma he had to find a way to save her he simply had to. Feeling his hands open the door rather than consciously doing it was a strange feeling but it didn't compare in any way to the wall he hit when he saw her lying there.
They had left Emma's body in the bed, Angel knew why. She still looked the same her hair curling over the pillow spread in a halo around her pale face. No, this wasn't Emma, not his Emma. This Emma didn't look like an eternal summer, didn't smile like a cat before she pounced, didn't laugh hard enough she had to gasp for breath, didn't cuddle him accidentally while they slept. This Emma was a hard and motionless rock wearing the face of the girl he had lived and waited for, or so many years. Her hand was cold in his. The Steele was cold in his right hand as he set it to her skin. The hospitals doctors may have given up but he hadn't drawing the oh so familiar iratze was something he could do without concentrating which was how he heard it the soft whine and gurgle of tiny voices. He sat back - when had he sat down?- and waited 1 2 3 and waited for those pretty eyes to open 4 5 6 for one of her stupid sarcastic comments 7 8 9 for the blush to rise to her cheeks like it never would again. It was over, she was gone. There was a cry from the corner and he spun to see two plastic tray-like cots on trolleys. He rushed over his heart pounding as he took in the two babies "hey there" he cooed at them placing his finger in the boys Palm. The newborns hand curled around his finger like a small vine. "Hey there baby Jesse" tears still ran down his face but ignoring them he gazed into the small faces with his nose and Emma's lips. A faint part of him wondered what they would look like one day, he hope they looked exactly like their mother. Then he placed his finger into the girls palm who did the same as her brother curling tiny fingers around his calloused finger " hey there baby Eleanor" he scooped up the babies into his arms wanting to crush them into himself where they would be safe " it's just the three of us mommys gone to a better place so we have to stay here until we can go live with her -" he almost finished his sentence when he heard the rustle, so quiet it could have easily been a mouse, it could have easily been the plastic covers of the bed shifting under the weight of one Emma Carstairs who at that moment was blinking up at him confused and tired. He waisted no time practically collapsing onto her being carful of the children in his arms "Emma Emma EMMA" stop saying it he would never stop saying it
"You didn't think I would die that easily did you?" Her voice was almost painful to listen to it was so horse but before she could say any other death related humour he handed her Eleanor
"Em I'm sorry I named them" he winced "this is baby Jesse and Eleanor" there was a heartbeat of silence and suddenly he realise in horror she might hate the names
"They're perfect" she snuggled her face into their baby girl. Finally they were together. All four of them.


You would think for a house on the Los Angeles coast the institute would have warmer walls to lean against. As walls go it was a nice one hung with Christmas garlands for the winter party the institute was holding but still Eleanor couldn't get over her excitement, not for the party, but for seeing all her extended family again.she hadn't seen them all in the same room since cousin Max got married to a pretty nymph called Delilah and that had been about two years ago, being ten at the time she couldn't remember much but she could recall too many flowers.
"Omg ELLIE" the call came from the hall to her left. Turning she saw none other than Lucie Herondale running toward her red hair gleaming. Even though her two cousins were two years older it didn't stop them from being some of her closest friends, and the fact Lucie gave the best hugs helped too. She was the sister Ellie had never had who dressed her up and talked boys with her and told her alllll about her boyfriend George. Sure it was weird having their cousins dating but they weren't technically related and there were plenty of other, much weirder things in her family like aunt drusilla and her on again off again vampire boyfriend-honestly being 25 you would think they would just get married already- or half- uncle mark and his fey prince husband Kieran and adoptive son Donatello who both honestly scared the living Angel out of her even though he was only a year older. Then there was aunt Aline and aunt Helen who always have the best presents and of course aunt Olivia and uncle Cameron who, only being 27 had four kids Jacob, stiles, Clara and Tiberius who they named after uncle Tiberius. We never met uncle ty he went missing in the Arctic Ocean in a ship wreck looking for evidence of post medieval shadowhunter city's underwater although aunt livvy says he was an amazing man.
"Oh my you've gotten so much taller!! It won't be soon that your taller than me!" Lucie cooed honestly sometimes it's like having a second mother Eleanor thought "oh and Jesse!" Turning she saw her brother hair tousled as usual, his shirt and pant rumpled as if he had fought a demon fallen asleep and then rolled out of bed just in time for the party. They were similar but not the same, she had blonde hair unlike her brothers dark curls although she had the blackthorn eyes and the freckles, Jesse was more strongly built and had greyish-brown eyes for some reason. He looked terrified at the prospect of the short red head charging towards him.
"Ellie?! Is that you?!" She whirled again her dresses pale blue skirt fanning out as she took in George. Smokey eyed and perfect hair as usual. Damn. "Wow you've gotten tall!" She snorted. When tall was invented George was there. Standing at 6"5 ft he dwarfed everyone especially Lucie being 5"3 and his girlfriend.
"Eh I'm still taller than you" she smirked. She was only 5"2 but she was also only twelve and was seriously hoping to be taller or as tall than her mother
"Ellie" speak of the devil. Lots of people told her that her mother had been a heartbreaker and she could tell her mother had been beautiful, still was. In her early thirties Emma Carstairs had the look of someone who was constantly tired although not surprising with the amount of effort it took to run an institute. Standing behind her as usual was dad his hair actually looking messier than jesse's for once his had around moms waist. She was going to have that one day. That kind of love that broke even their parabtai bond. Many people had fears of demons, of the dark, her only one was to never find her perfect match

3 hours later: during the Christmas party

"I am so bored. The food is gross and everyone here is old and in love and it's starting to gross me out" Jesse ever ye positive twin hissed in her ear over the soft waltz playing
"Aww come on Jesse at least try to have fun!" They were leaning against the wall her dress - an ice blue vintage number with a synched waist and simple, beaded neckline- fanning out across the walls wood panelling. They were observing the couples dancing and marvelling at aunt Isabel's skill to walk in heels taller than church.
"Hello?" A voice came from her right and she squeaked in shock. Turing she faced the boy sanding next to her and had to look twice. Wow. Curly black hair and a tan face sweeping into a broad, tall build his accent hinting at something Hispanic his eyes wide and brown. Well HELLO THERE.
"Um er weh" she could only splutter
"Hello there, my name is Jesse blackthorn and this is my twin Eleanor, pleased to meet you" thank the Angel for Jesse. Her twin stuck out his hand
"Hey my names Andreas Rosales from the Mexican institute" they shook hands. Eleanor remembered aunt Cristina and uncle Diego but never knew they had a son, let alone that he was their age, let alone this good looking!
"Anyway I was just here because this song is ending and I was wondering if your beautiful sister here would be my partner for the next dance" he picked up her hand and kissed her hand. Damn which jace Herondale taught him these moves. Jesse only glared the nice guy act gone
"Um sure" she smiled and they walked out to the floor as if in a dream.


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