Lady midnight NON SPOILER review

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okay so I'm doing this non spoiler review before i post my actual review in my other book Lord Of Shadows which i will be using from now on. I'm putting it on here in respect for all those who haven't read lady midnight :)

well guys. This book. I can't talk and will never talk again until my children are happy. Some things you should know about lady midnight for those who haven't read this piece of the bible:
- you will love everyone
- You will hate everyone
- You will never be happy again
This is definitely Cassies best book yet! It has twists and turns and I spent half the time reading it yelling (no jokes) sobbing and lying on the floor dying. So when the book arrives or when you get it you'll probably be thinking "oh Na I'll just read it a chapter at a time" well maybe after and hour and eh half a book you'll be re thinking that plan. I couldn't put this down. Julian and Emma are just such amazing characters! In fact all of them are!! They aren't perfect like have and clary and will and all the others fro previous series. He has flaws and so does Emma but the thing is they fill each others flaws. This was just a gorgeous family take with romance and a freaking badass plot! (Think about it like this; hot boys mixed with cool ass kicking girls mixed with parties mixed with romance mixed with more hot boys mixed with more romance and more asskickery) that is lady midnight in a nutshell! Not only is it all that BUT it's also freaking hilarious like I say lol all the time about books but this is the first time one has left me rolling on the floor.

And finally a questions part

1. Fave character?
Probably............Julian or maybe the new guy with the blonde hair ;) ;)
2. Fave ship?
3. Who am I most like?
Actually funny story one of my friends was actually fan girlish because apparently I'm "girl Julian just less tortured and you can sing" so tea fun lil story there
4. Weapon of choice?
Throwing stars, crossbow or maybe a sword 😛
5. Blackthorn, carstairs or Rosales?
6. Team Tinaxmark or team markxkieran?
7. Least favourite character?
Hmm probably Mark TBH I dislike him
8. Fave chapter?
Soul from the soul 😁

So yea guys that's non spoilers I'm hoping that helped anyone who hasn't read it...I'm currently finishing my spoilers rant for the next chapter....I'm currently not even halfway should be up soon but oh well night chickas xoxo

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