Santa Monica #6

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Isabel had never hit such a low point. She was in the middle of California, on one of L.A's most iconic places puking in public into a rubbish bin. A rubbish bin. As in the place where people put old food. And gum. And Angel knows what else. But not only that but finally she had told her boy friend she was pregnant -in front of the same strangers mentioned above-.
"WHAT?!" He yelled staring open mouthed at Isabel. Passers by stared and even an old lady gave him the demon eye ( trust a shadowhunter to know about that).
"Look Si if that's a bad thing we can always I don't know get rid of it but if you don't want to stay together that's okay I can do this on y own and you can just walk away now and-" she was silenced when he put a hand on her mouth
"Izz just shush for once in your life!" She shut up. He seemed to be thinking. It seemed to hurt. "Wait but when?" Then a memory hit him "ohhhhhh...but it- oh right shit"
"Si it's okay you don't need to be a part of this"
"Isabel what are you talking about?" He was beyond confused, it was written all over his face
"Well your reaction didn't seem like-"
"Oh my angel. You're pregnant." His eyes widened as he said it out loud
"Yes Simon I'm-"
"ISABEL YOURE PREGNANT" he swept her up suddenly into his arms and twirled her around and around tears in his eyes as he kept repeating those five words; I'm gonna be a dad.
"Okay Simon this is a beautiful moment but if you don't want me to puke again you will need to stop spinning me. Like right now."
"Oh right sorry but....I'm going to be a dad and...and you're going to be a mom"
"Yea SI. That is if you want to keep it"
"ARE YOU KIDDING OF COURSE I WANT TO. Izzy I want Star Wars toys and little plushy dogs, I want sleepless nights and baby spit on my shirts, I want comfy chairs and cozy fires and I want them with you Isabel, I want to experience everything with you. The good times and the bad."
Then he picked her up again and ran over to the others
"Guys I have an announcement!" They all looked over "Izzy is pregnant!" They all smiles and acted surprised and after wards Isabel walked up to clary
"Hey thanks for pretending to be surprised for Simon I mean" she smiled at the other girl her red curls shining in the evening sun
"What are you talking about?" She smiled pretending to be confused
"I know you totally heard us"
"Okay fine we heard but you guys were so excited and he was crying I mean come on!!"
" well thanks clary" she smiled " hey have you come up with any baby names yet?"
"Yea I have actually" she looked slightly embarrassed
"We have decided to name her Cecilia Isabel Herondale...sorry if this is weird but we both insisted"
"I love it" she hugged the other girl awkwardly not knowing where to place her arms what with her baby bump "sounds like the name for a Herondale"
They walked arm in arm thinking about futures that used to be dreams only 5 years ago
When they returned to the Los Angeles institute they all went looking for Emma and Jules who seemed to be missing. Finally they found them. Upon walking into Julian's room clary have an Isabel were treated to an interesting sight involving the two teenagers thankfully fully clothed on a bed rapped in an embrace fast asleep Julian curled protectively around Emma's body which seemed small in comparison to his tall frame their finger interlaced his lips against her hair making it seem her had fallen asleep hissing her hair. They all smiled looking at the two
"They have a hard future in front of them" have said in a low voice that was devoid of his usual joking tone
"Yes they do but they can work it out. If they stay together" Isabel added trying to bring up the mood "I mean we all did"
" I think they might suprise us" with a knowing smile from clary they left and closed the door on the dangerous future they didn't want a part in.


CUTIES YAYAYAYAYAYAYA CUTIES! Am I the only one that ships clace and sizzy kids? Because they'll be the same age.... EEEEEEK SHADOWHUNTERS COMES OUT SOOOON AYATAYYA HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS XOXOX

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