All the small places

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There was a small this as Diego Rosales opened and then closed her door. Cristina however didn't see it. She didn't see him. She even tried not to notice anything was different in her room but she couldn't, she just fucking couldn't because he was driving her nuts.

Diego had been the boy next door, well almost literally if you count living in the room next to hers. They had been raised together, shared on of those colourful plastic play houses, chased bugs together, gone to the little candy shop down the street from the Mexico City institute together when they had both been in diapers and had eaten sour chewers that had made both their small, bronzy, soft skin crinkle as they scrunched their faces at the flavour, played millions of games of cards and sat on her bed or his sitting and staring up at the ceiling and dreamed of a world where everything was perfect. Diego had been like the Ty to her Livvy always there to wipe the mascara tears off her face, pull her back onto her heels and get her going again. They had been perfect. That was where it had all gone wrong.

"Tina I-" he started gently walking over and placing a large, rough, warm hand on her shoulder. She flinched away so violently she started shaking
"Don't." She meant it as a warning but it came out shaky and angry "don't you dare. You can't touch me. You can't touch me ever again."
"Tina I-" he didn't sound like himself. Perfect Diego Rosales sounded desperate, he was pleading with her to listen but she didn't want to she just couldn't "she came onto me and-"
"So your using that excuse with me are you? "She came onto me?" Is that all you have to say for ruining my life?" Her voice was barely a squeak. He stood behind her, she was culled on her side facing away from the door loosely curled into a fetus position. She clutched at her shirt to try stop her hands from shaking, to try stop him from seeing her hands shaking not that he probably haden' already goddamn genius."and you can never-" she drew it out putting as much venom in her voice as she could "ever call me Tina again. That name is for my loved ones and you Diego are nothing to get the hell out or voy a patear el culo así que lo que usted quiere que se puede arreglar a menos que quieras que triste excusa for.â ama de casa para venir y tomar tu mano ."

Later that day she tried to remember what it had sounded like to hear him leave but all she could remember was the roaring In her ears of her shattering heart

So guys guess who's on a writers block!yay! Not. But this is sorta good because it means I can't read all y'all fanfics which to be honest has been great fun :) so yea I will be doing a part two of this but if I'm taking too long to shed some light on Tina and Diego's past in part two don't be afraid to give me a pm reminder ;) so yea guys this was depressing to write and I think I need to get my morals straight but night :) xxx

P.s doing a shout out to JamieShadowhunter  your Lady Midnight fanfic is keeping me going ATM :) it's been great getting to know you and tbh I'm waiting for an update constantly because I get through your chapters so fast. GO READ IT IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY :)

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