Tiny Weenie Fingerprints #2

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Julian had been waiting outside the room for hours and the hard metal chair was starting to make his butt cramp. Even if butt cramping was the least of his worries he didn't exactly need more to add to his list. His hands tightened around the white plastic cup that was too clean, to white too perfect to be held between his calloused hands with paint under his nails but who wa he kidding he felt dirty even being in this hospital which was too clean, too brisk, too...cold. But they didn't have much of a choice once Emma collapsed in the hall other than to bring her here. The others had come and gone with reassuring pats on his shoulders and the occasional murmurs of "it's going to be okay" and other 'reassuring' nonesense that did nothing to calm his nerves. The worst part was the looks from the others. He could deal with anything anger, hysteria, crying but not pitty. Never pitty. Those looks reminded him of an island off the coast of Russia where his sister froze, of the empty bedroom across the hall from his that his brother would never come home too, of that small pile of ashes which were what had remained of his father, of the smoke rising toward the cloudless sky as he watched his mothers body burn. Those looks shadowed what he wouldn't accept, what he couldn't accept, that Emma could be...what? Dying? Suffering? Or already dead? Their bond had broken their first time so he was in the dark and had no clue how to know what she was going through. One thought blazed thought his mind with every heartbeat I can't let her die strapped to a metal table, I won't let another person I love go. Not Emma, just not Emma, never Emma. I some distant part of his mind he heard a crunching and a cold wetness on his hands only then realising he had broken the plastic cup of water he had not drunk. Everything seemed dull and grey and he was slow, unresponsive. That was until the door opened and a woman in scrubs appeared a plain expression on her face as if she didn't want to be the one to do this. All backroad noise fades out into a low buzz as his focus sharpened to the robotic voice of the nurse
"Sir please come in"

You know most of the time with fan fictions like this I'm always like "oh yea they're not going to die gosh" but TBH with me you never know I might just do the Unthinkable 😈 annyway sorry I haven't really been in a writing mood ATM especially with the LM contest coming up I've been thinking of ideas (got one btw :) annnnd I hope you enjoyed this chapter see you next time love YAAAA xox

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