When Dru Comes Calling

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The day Dru met the love of her life, it was a Tuesday. Most days at the institute were the same these days, wake up, train, eat, sleep and repeat and the day had started as it usually did with Jules cooking breakfast.


Dru was woken by a patch of light shining straight into her eyes. She obviously hadn't closed her curtains properly the night previously and for the first few seconds she opened her eyes all she could see was white. as she rolled out of bed she was faced by a short girl. Medium length brown hair the kind of colour that was so ordinary it was only ever called brown, heart shaped face with a small nose and wide blue-green eyes a spray of freckles across her nose. She was short even for her 13 years of age and was more compact then her siblings wirey builds she was curvy at that stage between childhood and adulthood. The girl she saw in the mirror would not be considered beautiful or pretty, she was a solid cute at best. Drus sister Livy was always telling her to 'be herself' and 'she was beautiful' but how can you be yourself and be beautiful when someone perfect is telling you that? how can you put on a brave face when the rest of your siblings have thin noses and delicate hands? lets just say it was hard. she ripped her eyes away from the mirror and got changed. the institute was a quieter palace since the dark war so most of the time the blackthorns didn't see shadowhunters outside tier immediate family so dressing up really wasn't important but it was important to Dru. Unlike Jules who's clothes were covered in paint anyway and Livvy who looked good in anything, ty who didn't care and Emma who also looked fabulous and badass at the same time, Dru didn't. Her jeans were ripped her t-shirts plain and faded and she longed for the day she could leave and wear flowing dresses like the mundanes in the popular LA magazines she saw on stands when Diana took her and the twins out on "educational outings into the City" or whenever Diana felt they may be getting a little stir crazy, but all she could do was look in the mirror and wish.she also wished there was someone here her age. Jules had gotten lucky with Emma, ty and Livvy were inseparable and she had a annoying 8 year brother who thought running up to you and saying "poo" and then running away was the funniest thing in the world. But it wasn't like she had a choice! Emma and Jules were too old and busy to deal with a 13 year old although Emma did sometimes help by gigging Dru some extra training...suddenly he remembered last moth when Dru had come up to the training room to see Emma and Jules in there fighting swords in hand, Emma was teaching Jules as usual although Jules wasn't listening which was unusual. Dru remembered hiding behind the corner peeking round the edge in the shadows watching as their swords began to collide making awful sound of metal biting into metal and suddenly Emma had disarmed Jules and used her shoeless foot to push Jules into his back, then she stood over him smirking
"See Jules? You never spar with me!" Her posture had just started to relax and then using the moment on if his elbows pushing off the floor he twisted his legs and swiped her feet out from under her earning an indignant grunt as she hit the floor and rolled over landing on her back as Jules rolled on top of her. Her sword, cortana was across the room knocked out of her grip from the fall but Jules's was about 30cm from her hand. Jules seemed to realise this the same moment Dru did as he suddenly grabbed Emma's hands and pinned them above he head, sitting up slightly.
"Didn't I tell you not to spar with Emma?" Jules said in a falsetto "oh I'm Emma and I always win!"
"Well to be fair I do. And there is an abundance of evidence to support that claim" then before Jules could say anything in response Emma did something that shocked Dru so much she made a small gasping noise. Emma leave up and kissed Jules.on the mouth.like a proper kiss. on the mouth. the stayed like that for a few more minuets Emma's hands pinned them kissing before Emma rolled them so she was on top not breaking the kiss but slowly breaking his hold of her hands and then ran them under Jules's shirt as he let out small moans then as quick as lightning she grabbed his arms pinned them out to the sides with her hands and have him a cocky smile
"See jules" she was smiling uncontrollably now " I always win." Then Emma got up and walked into the changing room leaving Jules and his dumb struck face on the floor of the training room. After that Dru got rather depressed.how was it that Julian, shut in, pulls-his-sweaters-over-his-hands Julian was getting a date and yet she wasn't. She blamed uncle Arthur. and her famoly. and the clave. and basically the whole state of California, actually make that the whole freaking world for all she cared. She just wanted to be loved. There she had done it. she had admitted it, so it better be getting better from here...unless dr Phil was lying and admitting you have a problem wasn't the hardest part. but no one understood how it felt being the only 13 year old there. no one did...

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