When dru comes calling #2

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"Shit" Dru clutched her side and all she could feel was pain emanating from her left hip bone. she had done it again. she had accidentally walked into the table. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately, banging her hips into walls, people and the painful, occasional table. But it really hurt! She didn't know why she kept hitting herself but she didn't like it. she had asked Livvy but of course her only answer was the one she had been giving Dru for about half a year...puberty. but puberty was bad! Puberty meant growing up and growing up meant responsibility it meant hardships and stress and work and
"Dru?" Livvy was looking at her, worried. she had been looking at her like that for a while now.
"Yea?" Dru asked but before Livvy could answer there was a sound like church bells, someone was ringing the bell of the institute.


Of course Emma just had to open the door and of course it had to be her that found the gorgeous red head on the steps. of course. the one time she didn't get the door.
"Hey guys?! This is Cameron Ashton and he's looking for a place to stay" Emma announced walking into the busy kitchen that was completely filled with noise due to the MANY conversations going on, and Emma's words were drowned out by the sound of Cristina telling Livy how to say "I eat cakes for breakfast" in spanish, Jules staring daggers at one of the Rosales brothers - honestly Dru didn't know or care which was which- and of course tabby having one of his run of the mill temper tantrums- apparently the life of an 8 year old is very hard in deed.
"Guys shut up!" Emma yelled and her voice cut through the mayhem like a knife through butter "now as I said before this" she gestured to Cameron" is one of the new ascensions, his name is Cameron and he is going to be living in the institute."
That was when Dru got a good look at him.he was tall, about 6.2ft with curly red hair and freckles, he seemed to be going with 'the messed up surfer look' and on him it worked. He had tanned skin and muscles were clearly outlined under the thin cotton of his muscle tank. In other words he was her every dream, the perfection of the male species, the most gorgeous thing under heaven-... and he was staring in awe. he was staring in awe at emma. of course he was. with her tall, athletic build she was always the subject of male attention, and the fact she generally wore shorts most of the time didn't hurt. Constantly guys would come up to her, catch a glimpse of that blonde hair and slip her their number. That was the way Cameron was looking at Emma now, with pure unguarded awe. he really needed to catch up with this family, the only way you get Emma is by being really hot, cocky and completely full of yourself so she could show you up and then, no matter how hot you may be, she would squash you and they would be gone within weeks. that was how Emma dated. heartless, faceless, boys in her bed.but Dru couldn't believe Cameron would fall for her, for the long, tanned legs that were way to good for him. for Emma who wouldn't be good for him, while she, Drusilla Ariadne Blackthorn sat here and watched? No she wouldent.
"Hi!" She said brightly "do you want me to show you to your room?" She ignored the bewildered stares from her family and Emma and walked out the door dragging Cameron with her. he would not be dating Emma any soon.

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