Santa Monica #2

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She couldn't stand it any longer. As The day was only just starting Isabel could already see the worry on Julian's face, the  tension in his posture and the stress in his voice as he plucked anything out of tavvys forever reaching fingers and steered drusilla - much to her dismay and embarrassment - in the opposite direction to anything male between the ages of 13 and 19. Although through all this careful watching she couldn't help seeing Julian's ever wandering eyes stray and catch  on the figure of his parabtai, Emma. Not that Izzy could blame him. She looked gorgeous in her bikini like a California dream - if the dream was a person that is. She could feel it again, that nauseating dizziness resonating in her bones making her head spin an her stomach feel like burning lead. This time she really would throw up, she thought. Then it was over the nausea passed and she looked up into the melted chocolate brown eyes of her
Boyfriend Simon Lewis.
"Iz are you okay?! You look kinda-"
"Yea Simon I'm fine I was just thinking" improvise improvise improvise um... "That we should uh help Julian out!" Shit. Now what.
"Oh um that sounds fun but how?"
Well Simon...ahaha yea I don't know "I was thinking we could....Take the kids to the pier and go on the rides and stuff just to give Julian a break and stuff!" And see how you are with kids, she added silently.
"Yea! That sounds fun!"

If Izzy was honest with herself the look of relief on Julian's face might have made her feel bad about taking the kids for her own selfish needs but then again she didn't have a conscience so who did it bother? After five minuets in the beat up Toyota the Los Angeles seemed to share they were at the sugar fuelled tourist trap that was the Santa Monica pier. The wood was worn and paint was chipping, in every way it looked as beautifully rugged as the photos she'd seen. Except the smell. Imagine mixing rotten fish, week old seaweed and trash in a giant blender then eating it and finally puking it back up again. That was the smell of the Santa Monica pier.
"Ithabew!" Tavvy grind his eight year old gap toothed grin at her as his blackthorn eyes sparkled startling her with their resemblance to the ocean just behind him. He was gesturing to a spinning ride with five arms that spun as the small two-person carriages on each limb spun. The thought of sitting in one of those seats made her want to jump straight into the polluted, probably toxic water of the Pacific. That's when Simon being the incredibly well, Simon person he is picked up Tavvy into his arms ad spun him around and around as the little boy screamed and they both giggled uncontrollably. Then something caught her eye a group of people and as she turned she saw Dru, short curvy 14 year old Dru talking to a group of 6 or so boys around her age all wearing the customary billabong Hawaii print board shorts and a random selection of board shorts. Well Angel to the no Dru was not to flirt with boys! At least until Izzy taught her how...

Drusilla blackthorn made a mouse-Like squeaking noise as Isabel dragged her away from her line of suitors. It was rather unladylike although Dru being a tweenager she wasn't a child nor a woman so what did a drowning mouse noise mean to her anyway.
"What did you do that for?!" Dru looked up at her angrily a fire burnin In her verdigris eyes
"You were flirting with those boys!"
"So? Angel I just want to be a normal girl who goes to school and flirts with boys and goes shopping and- and-"
"Izzy?!" There was a Yelp near by and around the corner ran Tiberius and livvy- when had they run off?!- eyes wide and panting Livvys brightly patterned dress swirling around her thighs. Isabel was more alarmed not because of their panting and abrupt entrance, not because he hadn't even noticed them run off but because Livvy and even ty who never did anything but scowl began to laugh. and laugh. In fact they laughed until they had eventually sunk to the pier and lay on the rotting wood gaining weird looks from passers by at their histrionics. How had she not noticed them leave? What if she had this baby and it maybe ran off and she didn't notice? What if it ran into a demon when she wasn't there? She couldn't imagine the terror of
Loosing somethings so precious, not after max. He was the last baby, The last child she had watched grow up, well sort of, she guessed nine wasn't exactly grown up but a nine year old wasn't a fat little mush like a toddler. She had to say she missed the chubby cheeks and toothless smile. Izzy attempted to imagine what her and Simons baby could look like...she didn't care wether it was a girl or boy just as long as it had Simons eyes. She loved his eyes like chocolate melting right to your soul in one look. If the baby ended up looking and acting like a mini Simon clone and took nothing from her she would be happy, one Simon was perfect but two might just heal the place max had always been.
"ARGH" Dru, obviously bored of waiting for Izzy to reply yelled in exasperation and then stalked off towards the rides.
"Common guys" she pulled Livvy to her feet although ty refused her hand - as he did most human contact - and instead used the railing to pull his thin frame to his feet. Him and livvy were exactly the same and yet opposite.same height, age,build but where livvy was tanned and had a warm glow ty was pale and shadows making his cheekbones harsh,her hair bright and bouncing in its loose curls was the same almost as if it had been put through a black and white movie tys hair was a black spil of inc curling at the corners yet it was duller and brighter at the same time. Livvias eyes were bright and full of life, the promise of mischief and laughter, tys were cold, hard and full of lies and secrets. Yet when walking side by side they were the same yet slightly different. It was fascinating to look at. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled immediately. Simon was giving a piggy back ride to Tavvy both boys smiling, eyes sparkling in the bright sunshine while the younger boy pretend Simon was a demon, miming a sword and yelling "die!" Every once in a while much to the dismay of passers by. That's when she saw it, Simon and kids were like butter on toast, made for each other...maybe she didn't need to be so worried...


Be happy! It's a long pregnant sizzy chapter with a TDA crossover!! Hehehe a nice long chapter for you lovely people :) oh and I have a top secret I want to tell y'all : these aren't the only tmi characters you will be seeing, in fact there may be some couple action in part 3/4 and yes I have read born to endless night so do be expecting some of that's all very shrouded in secrets 😂😉 have a lovely day chikas 😘

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