Broken hearts and broken dreams

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There were many things Emma Cordelia Carstairs belived was wrong in the world but valentines pretty much topped her list. So there was a day the mundanes celebrated an gave each other chocolate because they wanted to do what? Fatten their chosen partner? Or they would give them flowers which, like their love, would eventually wilt and die within a short period. Or they gave giant stuffed animals and lingerie which really only benefited themselves. But the holiday mainly consisted of couples staring deeply uni each others eyes and then expecting everyone to be okay with horrible displays of pda as if this day, were any different from any other.
The institutes bell sounded, a church bells sound that was pleasant and ethereal in its own right. Unfortunately she already knew who it would be. damn that little ginger managed to turn up in some of the most inconvenient places. She was met with brown eyes, freckles and some of the most perfectly orange hair she had ever seen. Honestly. Hi hair looked like kool-aid. Oh and the giant face of a stuffed elephant. Trunk and all the Emma-sized plushy was a light grey complete with giant floppy ears and a ginormous ribbon tied obnoxiously around its neck as if it just invented the term "over the top". Oh and did she mention Julian? Standing behind her, arms crossed, glaring at Cameron like he was liliths spawn or something...he was like a dad, Jules only looked after her and by his standards that meant keeping her away from guys. Like a dad, she kept telling herself, he's just protecting me like a dad nothing else. Ugh but she wanted to believe!!! So badly!! But that was forbidden ( not that she would complain about anything secretive, actually that was probably more hot if she was honest)
"Erm um eh" she spluttered. Another problem with Valentine's Day, she thought, you never know what to say.
"These are for you" he smiled and handed them to her. Well who else would they be for?? The door mat? Angel forbid Julian? She almost fell over under the weight of the elephant that was until he handed her a bouquet of white roses. They were pretty she had to admit but white? The colour, the flower made her remember, remember why she hated valentines.

Flashback HOOOoooOoooOo

"Just go for it!" Julian urged, being a joyful 10 year old he was always smiling, always encouraging, always there. 6th grade was stressful, especially if you were Emma and you had a crush on a boy who was a year older. Thomas marett was a mundane with the long brown hair falling into his eyes, skinny jeans and black leather jackets, not to mention the fake aviator sunglasses. He was the boy she wrote the initials of inside a heart on her notebooks with permanent, pink marker. Valentines 2006 she had decided to tell him. It was their last year of mundane school, Emma and Julians parents had made the decision to let them go to mundane school up until the end of 6th grade to "broaden their knowledge and give them a different view on the world they live in" but she didn't mind, she got to gaze at Thomas all day, and of course Julian was happy to follow along with anything she did. That morning the had gone to the nearest shop and bought 5 white roses for her to give to him. What was she thinking. By the time lunch had arrived she was so nervous she felt like puking that was until she looked into those chocolate melting eyes.
"H- H- hey" she stuttered
"Hey there" oh god the sound of his voice in jut those two words made her want to collapse then and there
"I was wondering d- d- do you wanna be my" cough " Valentine?" Se held out the roses only then realising a crowd of other kids had gathered around them in an inescapable circle. The popular girls with their eyeshadow and forever sneering looks, the nerds with their nintendos and video game print tees and Julian sitting away on a banister expressionless, just watching. They were always like this him and her, never in a clique, just them and thy were all each other needed. She felt the roses leave her hand and the faint stab as the thorns dug and then dragged across her palms biting into the skin
"And why would I do that" he sneered. She had never seen him look like that, never felt so small. She was a bug and he was the foot about to step on her dreams crushing them into the concrete. She opened her mouth " oh stop babbling please it'll give me indigestion. Please do tell me though why do you think you deserve to be my valentine? Because you're especially pretty? Well you're not. because you have cool friends? Well you don't. Because I might actually have feelings for a scrawny kid? Please know you're place loser." And with that he turned breaking the roses stalks in half in one quick snap that officiated the breaking of her heart. Everyone laughed but all she could do was watch those five roses lye there, broken on the floor. Eventually the crowd trickled away until she stood there alone in a hall way.
"You know I think you're pretty, and you have cool friends" she turned to see julian looking intently,almost angrily at the place Thomas had left
"WELL IT DOESNT MATTER NOW DOES IT" and with that she ran off. She remembered cry into her mothers and fathers arms for hours that night

End of flashback hoOoooOoOooo

"Well Cameron em thanks for the roses and stuff I'll test you later then" he leaned in for a kiss but turning her head at the last second she rejected him with a cheek and then promptly slammed the door. Running up to her room she dumped the animal in the hall outside tavvys room and threw the roses down outside her door ruining them. She built herself a tent under her sheet and managed to cry herself into a nap it happened so long ago and yet why does it still haunt me?
"EMMA EMMA!!" That was Jules he was clutching her shoulders shaking her awake " you were screaming and I" he stopped noticing her look. In his left hand was a rose, one of the white roses, probably the only one that didn't get ruined, covered in flicks of turquoise paint with blues to die for. Somehow by accident Julian had made it beautiful. He handed it to her
"I guess you should have a friend" he added. Then he stood to leave
"Jules?" She grabbed his wrist " can you stay? Keep the bad dreams away?"
" sure" he broke into a smile and then climbed into her bed, going back to their normal routine, her head on his shoulder, arms round eachother his hands making lazy circles and other shapes on her arms, head and back. She didn't know if he realised it but he was spelling out three words over and over subconsciously;



Yea so as you can tell I hate valentines and spent the night with my one and only Netflix wearing my lonely top. It literally says lonely. But yes I have now binge watched the whole of miraculous lady bug and free! In one day. So sue me. Night guys!! Hope you have a better valentines then I did XOXOX

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