Santa Monica #3

630 15 1

Part whatever

Once she pried Ty and Livvy off the ground with the promise of ice cream she dragged them all to the small ice cream cart with Dru a few paces behind scowling her arms crossed in front of her. Isabel had to admire how much she looks like Alec. That was when Alec really did appear. Literally! One moment Dru was alone and the next Alec and Magnus were brushing blue sparks off themselves and the dark curls of their son, Max who was held so tightly by Alec Izzy was afraid the poor thing might suffocate. Before she could squeal to hug two of her favourite people and nephew livvy beat her to it and once it was Izzys turn livvy was already covered in glitter from the sparkling collar of magnus's blue and magenta blazer. Alec was of course dressed in a ratty jumper - in this heat?! - and a pair of 3/4 pants thinking at the knees while Magnus in all his sparkling glory was the definition of fabulous with his pulled up skinny jeans and rolled up blazer sleeves, a glittering necklace winking in the sun at his throat. His hair dark and spread through with patches of different colours of glitter with shades of colour even Izzy couldn't name, the deepest of violets, the brightest of oranges and the most poison of greens. Even with the amount of gel there must have been some kind of magic in it to make it defy gravity so absolutely. As she hugged him baby max made a small noise that she took to mean "anti issi!" Which was the way he had been calling her since they'd found him, it was endearing and slightly weird to think of herself as "aunt Isabel". It sounded so grown up and mature, like a grandmother or something. Max's outfit seemed to be at war with itself, thread bear pants fraying and loosing colour in a cute patchy way and his top saying "PROPERTY OF ONE SEXY BANE" in pink and blue rinestones was a rather interesting pairing coupled with his hair which half seemed covered in glitter the other part looking as tho it hadn't been brushed in weeks , not to mention his shoes and socks which didn't match, an old pair of trainers on one foot and light up nikes on the other his socks stripy on one foot and spotty on the other.
"Magnus!" Izzy ran to hug him
"Oh Isabel dear" by the time she had detached herself from the tangle of hugs that was her brothers and nephew she was covered in glitter and dreading the 2 hour shower she would have to have yanking the sparkles from her hair.

Livvy had stolen max and was bent over the small boy and his shaky four year old steps as she attempted to play a mock version of chase with the younger boy.
"Izz did you hear-" Alec began to say turning to her when
"IZZY!!!" A yell came from down the pier and she caught sight of scapegrace read hair and sparkling green eyes before clary engulfed her in a hug. This wasn't just any hug though. As Izzy registered clarys thin arms around her she also had the odd sensation of something large and round pressing at her abdomen. When she stepped back she saw clarys perfectly round stomach and jaces wild expression as he defended on clary
"Clary by the Angel what have I told you don't run with the baby!!" She only rolled her eyes
"Well if she's anything like you then I'm sure a little bustling round will do her good. Hey, it might even lower her ego, Angel knows she'll need that if she's a herondale" he smiled and roped his arms around her waist from behind his hands coming to rest on her swollen baby bump. He had to squat slightly and the position could hardly be comfortable. Poor guy.
"Oh so you don't even have a 'hello' for your own sister now?" She punched him in the arm "goodness have what manners has clary been teaching you"


To be honest I'm on a bit of a roll with the happy ones...I need something heart breaking and I need it NOW. Well I'm not making any promises but there may be something depressing coming your way...all this happiness it's just too much Bahahah love ya and have a nice day/evening/ whatever else there is! Xoxox

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