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Okay so being the Internet pioneer I am it's basically my job to try and stay up to date on all and everything shadowhunter. So here it is. Can I repeat that. HERE IT IS. TE LADY MIDNIGHT COVER. Okay so I must say I was nervous as heck because it no secret I seriously disliked the old tmi covers ( idk it was something about the funny looks I got as I carried around a book with a half naked, golden God with swirly things on his pecks that put me off) so yea I didn't like them. Then the new uk covers came out and TBH I liked them but the plain covers were pretty boring. And THEN the new USA covers came out and okay, they were a little better but I must say they really didn't do the series the justice they deserve. So as I live in the lovely country of New Zealand I figured out that because of the time difference the cover for probably the best book ever would be coming out at no later than....4 in the freaking morning. 4 am. Just no. So thank goodness for JamieShadowhunter who was such a babe and emailed me the photo and I must say....IT IS BEAUTIFUL. I absolutely love it. Well I'm not going to deny when I first saw it my reaction was more like a hmmmehughhhhhhemmmm with the facials you are probably imagining. But as I kept looking at it I noticed the institute and the te rivals coming from the bottom and sort of got over the uncanny resemblance to the Ingo series I read when I was 9. TBH it looks like a mermaid book. Like a mermaid fell into the water holding a sword so I'm seriously hoping there is a reason they are making Emma cordelia carstairs look like a freaking mermaid or else. But yea. DID ANYONE BUT ME NOTICE THE COLOUR?! Because I have done cover design and everything is there for a reason. Which might explain why the cover isn't blue, it isn't green BUT IT IS BLACKTHORN BLUE GREEN. I'm sorry but I felt a need to point that out.

Okaaaay and also for those people who are worried that Jules and em won't get together it's all g because I found something Cassie wrote way early on proving it. Now who here has seen that fan art of Tessa, Emma and clary in their pjs and yes sad in like a corset and  Emma's in like undies and a tank and clarys in booty shorts and a t-shirt? Anyway I quote directly "I'm sure somewhere the Carstairs, BLACKTHORN and Herondale boys are drooling"... So yes. I have just proved what every fangirl an boy wants to know. Cassie must have said that before she decided to go all secretive about them...well thank goodness I found it :)

Also if anyone needs condolence about the need to know what jules's secret is well its all g because Cassie said "I like to reveal secrets early on and then watch how they play out over the series" so yea. I really hope everyone is ready for the emotional trauma that will be lady midnight because it is confirmed that at least one person dies :) and on that happy note I'm going to end this so have a great night/day wherever you are as as usual I am always open to messages even if all you want to do is scream in caps for hours about books ;) see ya! Oh and also I need to decide what to update next so whichever gets the most comments I will be updating next so comment either Santa Monica (Izzy pregnant) or All the small places (Christina) okay byeeeeee xo

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