Santa Monica

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For the first time in her short existence Isabel lightwood had to admit she missed New York weather. This fact was only because of the staggering heat of the Los Angeles coast but still she missed the mushy, cool, rain slush of NYC. The beaches were hot and the stress rolling off Julian Blackthorn was almost palpable as he made sure none of his many younger siblings didn't drown themselves in the meter deep surf. Her stomach rumbled and she felt the immediate nausea of the morning sickness again. Out of reflex she rested a hand protectively on her abdomen, it had been 4 weeks and she had already picked up habits. Although the real challenge would be telling Simon who would freak probably. She had never thought of kids. Well she had but not seriously with Simon being an imortal vampire who was unable to reproduce she had tiptoed round the subject but that wasn't to say she didn't want any. But now that Simon was a strong shadowhunter, with a 6 pack she could see from where she was lying next to him it opened up a lot of possibilities like the prospect of having a little girl she could put bright pink lipstick on and shop for tutus with or a little boy she could buy miniature train sets and tiny weapons for. But she had never even thought of how Simon would be with kids, he seemed to like them well enough but there was a difference between tolerating and liking. She wasn't even showing, her stomach still as flat and lightly ridged as a wash board but still she was self conscious enough to have worn a one piece. She didn't know, she wasn't sure how Simon woul react. Would he want this little girl or boy? Would he even care?


Okay please don't hate me!!! This is a tiny weenie little story that I need to finish on top of the other two I need to finish so sorry? Oh well here's some dizzy babies to brighten up your back school (because I'm in a different country with a different school system we are a week away from holidays so I will be able to publish more then :) ) love y'all 😅😙

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