Welcome to the city of demons

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There are moments in My life when I think nothing can be more messed up and yet time and time again I'm proved how very wrong I am. Although I could bet even jace Herondale would have called this a "situation". Emma is gone. She and I had gone into the sea caves on Leo Carrillo looking for a clue, a suspect, anything that could tell us about the murders. Fey had started going missing and then murdered. Emma ad Tina had found the first by the spectre at point dumme, a dead nixie girl. Later that day the hunt had arrived as ambassadors from fairy with a proposition - more like a order/ death sentence if you ask me but people didn't do that often nowadays- they made a "deal" telling us to find the killer and they would give us Mark and how could we resist such a touching offer? Well we didnt and now, and now we are looking for a phsyco murderer running free around L.A, so of course our first instinct was to look in the creepiest, darkest, dankest place in L.A and no not Malcolm's club, we went to the caves.
2 hours previously

"If anything happens to me in here I'm blaming you" I laughed at Emma's sour face
"Why me?!" Her ever present smirk replaced her facials
"Because you're the one who came up with this life threatening idea, stupid" I nudged her shoulder
"Well fine but if I die its also your fault for accepting my stupid ideas" I rolled my eyes, of course she would turn this into a joke about my parental instincts that had -after all these years- become instincts. As we began entering the caves I was already cold. The faint noises of dripping came from somewhere deep inside the hillside and the low undertones of demons making my skin crawl out of the cave, it was enough to every frighten Emma who moved slightly closer to me...not that I'm complaining. Our whitchlights were lit, of course, but THT didn't stop there from being wide chunks of shadows where the light didn't cover making my head snap at every single noise. But the creep factor was nothing, NOTHING I tell you compared to the smell. Picture the wonderful scent of dying, rotting flesh of any kind fish, animal, human mixed with the pleasant aroma of damp, mould-covered stone an you should get a pretty good idea of what was assaulting our nostrils.
"Jules I don't think we are going to get through this by time the tide comes in...how about we split up. I can always check on you and vide versa. Just whistle and the other person whistle back" she smiled and before I could protest sped up off a side tunnel.
We continued like that for what felt like hours exchanging whistles and listening to scurry of Angel knew what around our feet and- BANG! The noise reverberated against the walls and I clutched my ears what in the world? Without thinking I immediately whistled. I needed to know she was okay. Nothing sounded, there wasn't even a scurry of animal feet. I whistled again louder this time but, again I was met with silence. for a heartbeat all I could see was panic. Then came the scream, undeniably her, which was suddenly cut off, too abruptly to be on purpose.

Okayyyyyy so here is my first, first person!!! (First, first person???!!!) I'm not sure I've been working on this one since like last year but kept slipping back into third....whoops! So soon LM is getting released which basically means that this series is ending (tear tear) but it's okay because (drum rolllllll) I STARTED BOOK TWO!!! So you all should go and add it to your librarys or whatever because that will be the next version of this just with a cooler name...anyway night mubbblebunchkins xoxo

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