Poptarts and paper hearts

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"Well I still don't like him" Julian was in his 'im-not-going-to-comply-or-agree-with-you-so-don't-even-try-to-argue' moods Emma really hated it when he was like this which was really saying something as it was one of the very few things she didn't love about him, but Jules in this mood was just frustrating mainly because him and Emma rarely fought and she didn't like it, not at all in fact even when Jules wasn't in the same room as her she felt like he had taken a small piece of her heart with him although that was nearly never as they went everywhere together well except for the bathroom...otherwise that would be taking the parabotai bond they shared to a completely weird level .

"Like seriously how can you possibly stand the guy!" Jules was saying, "he's cruel, rude not to mention selfish and proud!"

"Wow Jules" Emma laughed "I think uncle Arthur is really starting to rub off on you! I mean seriously 'proud' I'm sorry but what self respecting 17 year old boy says that anymore!" she was joking of coarse and even his anger slowly deflated giving way to a very small smile

"Fine, fine but he's still a douche. Is that good enough for you miss 21st century?"

"Perfect" they were discussing Emma's boyfriend Cameron, who seemed to be he topic off all Emma and Jules's fights these days so sure he was a douche and Emma didn't actually like him but she needed someone to help her take her mind off everything...a distraction from all the things of her life her parents deaths, her fear of the ocean, the constant threat of demon's stalking her every move, oh and there was the fact that she kept noticing things about Jules...just little things like how appealing his jaw was and how his eyes made her think of the ocean in the Mediterranean in the summer, not that she had ever been to the Mediterranean in summer but if it had to look like anything...well his eyes were always there as two circular reminders.

"I'm going to go get some food you want anything?"

"What?!" Emma was taken aback "Jules we literally just finished lunch like 20 minuets ago, how in the angels name could you possibly be hungry?"

"I'm a teenage boy Emma" like she hadn't noticed. She was amazed at how much food one person could consume but she let the subject drop

"Well I have absolutely nothing better to do so I'm coming to" she said this as she leaped of Jules's bed but for all the training she had been put through she over estimated how much force would be needed to jump off the bed and onto the clothing strewn floor that was the carpet of Julian's room and she stumbled forward and probably would have fallen if he hadn't caught her, well it wasn't really a catch more of a Emma-barrelling-into-poor-unsuspecting-teenage-boy scenario but either way it ended up with Jules awkwardly hugging her with her arms around his ribs and his arms around her neck and she was being crushed into his chest as he staggered backwards from her weight, letting her go immediately

"You okay?" he looked at her worry in his eyes, Emma never made a mistake. Like ever. The fact that she was making one was almost unheard of


"What?" she was distracted by a curl of hair falling over his forehead until her gaze travelled back to those ocean eyes and she was snapped back to reality "oh right yeah I'm fine!" Jules still looked worried so she added "its just thinking of dear Cameron...it makes me weak in the knees!" she mimed a damsel in distress fainting putting one hand to her forehead and sighing dramatically, then she started to laugh, Jules remained expressionless, damn he had a good poker face! But his shoulder muscles were tense, the only sign that her joke had bothered him.

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