Cracks In The Glass

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As Julian stormed into his room two thoughts ran through his rage drenched mind.That this was all a dead end and that this was all too much. He couldn't, he wouldn't move on, not after His Dad, Mom, Helen, Mark and you might as well throw in Uncle Arthur who never came out of his study anymore. but there was no one. no one who could help him with Drusillas demands, Tavvy tantrums and ty, Angel ty who no one could understand.

Jules sat on his bed his head in his hands as his fingers wove into his hair, the pads of his fingertips tracing the hard patches of dried paint caught in the brown strands. he couldn't do it, too much pressure, too much responsibility then he leaned over and reached for an object on his bedside table, one of the few things that wasn't covered in paint. a dagger. Thesia meaning "sacrifice" in Latin was his fathers dagger that had been left and eventually given to Julian after his death. It was a dull grey as thin as a blade of glass the cross bar inscribed with whirls and spirals that never seemed to end.
Julian wrapped a had around the blade holding it, squeezing it tighter and tighter. he was still squeezing it as the blood began spilling and then pooling in his palm and even the red of his own blood didn't pull him out of his trance of pain and the feeling of failure because he had he had failed ty and Livvy, failed Tavvy and Dru and he had failed Emma, the one person he said he would never fail, he had promised he would never fail her.


Emma was thrown to the ground for the millionth time that day. she was sparring with Livvy which she just realised was a huge mistake. Livvy with a sword was incredible, it was like a dance, deliberate and graceful as she jumped whirled and lunged. she was the composer and her sword the baton.

The ground on the other hand was cold and hard and rigged with the thin outline of the circle that her and Olivia were sparring in. she just lay there not even bothering to get up, knowing she would be thrown down once again. in fact she was concise ring giving up, throwing down her sword and have a warm shower. then a pain bit through her palm as she screamed out loud.
"Emma?! Emma what's wrong?"
She didn't know what she was doing but she ran her hand pulsing with an invisible pain and her mind led her to the place she wanted to be. She burst through the heavy oak door of Jules's room and found him sitting on his bed, staring at his hand blood streaming from his palm down his arm, into his lap, onto his bed but despite the pain his face was blank his face was expressionless and dark.

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