All the small places part 2

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For the next week Cristina was in full on heartbreak mode. Wearing the same oversized grey shirt and loose cotton pants, watching sappy romances and eating and then leaving empty Chinese takeaway cartons all around her room. To be honest she probably stank but she didn't notice. Although one thing she did notice was the constant knocking from concerned visitors. Emma,Julian, Mark, Livvy and even Ty knocked on her door, sometimes multiple times a day asking for entrance. She never let any of them in. The only human interaction she had was with Dru who was the small delivery man for the food of her heart break. Normally this "break up mode" only happened after she broke up with the guy but unfortunately revisiting the emotions about Diego that she had tried and then succeeded to dig deep down into a part of her that could never remember the hear my break he had caused had made her relive the betrayal full force. She just never understood. They had been so close. The peanut to her butter, the one who protected her, who would steal then hide baby Jamie's toys with her how he could do what he did was unimaginable to her. It must have been the trust she had bestowed upon him, the amount of which she did was unfair to him and to herself especially when he broke it.

The day their parents had told them the news they had both been 13, silly and oblivious to the future.i mean they were 13, being 20 was years and years away for them and although the marriage was a scary thought she hadn't taken it seriously because she had lived Diego there was no dbout about it and being arranged married would be an easy, comfortable option. Over the years her love for him had become so overwhelming it filled her every thought and waking moment. It was as if someone had taken a permanent marker to her life and scribbled the whole thing over with ink that was Diego. They had kissed and embraced and she had leaned upon him like he was her only lifeline the thing she needed to survive. That was until she had decided that surprising him on his birthday would be a good idea. She had made a cake, covered it in his favourite cinnamon icing an then climbed the grand staircase of the Mexico City institute to see him.

Fresh  tears sprang to her eyes at the thought. She had spent hours on that cake. Wasted time she could have spent doing something with her life but instead again he had given it to Diego instead. So little did she know that when she entered her boyfriends room looking as good as she ever would or could that she would find her in his bed.


I nice short chapter because Im mean although my writers block is going away! Yay! So yea thanks JamieShadowhunter I probably wouldn't have written this if it want for your you 😘😘

Yes I will be doing a part three don't worry! 😏

Okay well guys remember comment if you want anything and don't be afraid to message for requests or fangirling I really don't mind :)

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