Santa Monica Part #4

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On this day Isabel Sophia Lightwood solemnly swore she would never, never ever ride a roller coaster again. After riding the "fun coaster" or the "destruction and pain bringer" as she liked to call it she wanted to hurl. Actually she wanted a lot of things like those ice creams Magnus and Max were eating...or that candy floss Tavvy and Simon were sharing and her skin was itching to lye back on the warm sand but most of all she wanted that little, fluffy thing. It was hanging from one of those "shoot the water in the clowns mouth!" Stands and it was the colour and texture of tavvys candy floss-which Simon had given up trying to share, it turns out 8 year olds don't like sharing big globs of sugar on sticks- and she really, really wanted it. Isabel didn't even know why she was supposed to e a shadowhunter, an ass kicking, black wearing, heart stomping fighter and here she was wanting a powder puff
"SIMON" she yelled to him and everyone faced them even clary ad have who were normally more interested in eachother
"Yes Izzy?" Always the supportive boyfriend.
"Can you teach me how to do this? I'm not used to mundane stuff" wow could she sound any less uncoordinated?
"Sure!" He smiled that dorky smile she loved and trapped over to her managing to detach himself from Tavvy for the first time almost all day "it's simple you just have to press this button here and aim it in his mouth and then that will blow the balloon up"
"How much will I need to blow it to win that?" She pointed to the powder puff
"Not much although if you do I dare you to bring it on the next demon hunt" he put on a fake reporters voice as he said " and now known heart breaker Isabel lightwood storms into battle wielding a leather whip and a pink furby, terrifying"
"So that's what it is" she mused "a fur-by"
"As I said, terrifying" he laughed
"Um excuse me are you going to play or just stand there making us single people sad?" The guy running the store looked about 17 with red hair and a muscly build, he looked like a surfer if surfers normally had freckles and marks
"Wait you're a shadowhunter?" Simon asked
"No I'm a chicken dressed in a human suit, of course I'm a shadowhunter. Hey the names Cameron Ashton" now that name made Isabel cough on her own spit, she knew that name. Emma's ex Cameron as in the guy who had been following her round since their one night stand Cameron. Isabel decided it would be better to stay away
"Um Simon we should probably go jace is probably waiting for us over at the spiny thing" she was desperately trying to get away
"The "fun-go-round"" Cameron offered
"Right what he said. SIMON COMMON!" Still looking dumbstruck she pulled him away.
When se had said "hey Simon I think have is waiting at the "impending spiral of death ride" she hadn't thought he would make her go on it, even though it turned out everyone was actually waiting for them at "the tornado of pain and misery" so Simon convince her to go on. It wasn't fair. He had used the puppy dog eyes on her and those were like flames melting the wax of her resistance so she was here sitting on a horse behind him and if this ride didn't stop in at least 30 seconds she was going to puke all over his head. Thank the Angel it did and as soon as it had she ran off -ignoring the yelling of the conductor telling her to wait until the ride was completely still- vaulting over the low fence around the "vortex of hate and torture" and finally puked into the rubbish bin with the lovely symphony of passers by's disgust at her actions. But she didn't care, all she could feel was relief and Simon holding her hair back with steady hands and the worried looks from the rest of the group.

She finally had finished and someone thankfully handed her a napkin to wipe her mouth with and looking down at the red smeared cloth she almost had a heart attack. Red?! Red?! Why was it the exact colour of blood?! Then she remembered, of course red lipstick. She had been wearing it like usual.
"Izzy are you okay?" He sounded worried as e brushed her hair behind her ears
"Yea just the ride and...and....Simon there's been something I've been needing to tell you"
"Izz you can trust me with anything, you know that"he cupped her cheek
"Simon pregnant." His eyes widened and his mouth opened in a yell...

My only words are 😌😌😌 I'm hoping that was happy enough for you people who value joy (ewww who needs that?! 😂) but yea night guysss xox

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