Alcoves And Alleyways

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"Emma, Emma!" Julian gasped "Emma stop!" She got up from where she had been doing things to his neck that would make even Tiberius blush, her eyes bright and confused like chips of Amber held up to a setting sun.
"Yes?" She did look slightly annoyed yet exasperated her tone playfully harsh as he tried to get a grip and reasonably normal composure
"We were being really loud! If anyone came and saw us- " before he could finish the sentence she pushed him back against the wood panelling of the wall. Their noses were touching when she said well more like growled
"No one will see us" then she grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the closest spare bedroom...


It had been like this for 2 weeks. Two perfect weeks he and Emma had been able to talk, to share and feel what they had been feeling for a long time. All he resented was that he couldn't tell his family, who he told everything. Well almost everything now. The feeling of lying to little Tavvy gave him a headache let alone ty. But it was worth it to have Emma and he had to admit to himself he had slowly been dying all those years she had brought boy after boy home only to break down in tears a few weeks or months later when she eventually got bored and ditched them. Now he knew why. She had been the first to say anything, well the first to do anything in their relationship at all. Fist to walk, first to fight and first to fling open his door in a tornado of Emma and grab the sides of his face and confess what he had wanted to hear for years. The first kiss had been the best. Slow and warm like melting chocolate. Then they started to hurt and as the days grew on and e got used to kissing her he could feel the thrumming heat and almost vibration of his parabtai rune almost screaming at his subconscious to "stop! This is wrong! Don't! Something here is fundamentally wrong and it has to stop" but he kept kissing because she did and he kept kissing because he loved her and because he couldn't bare to see her with anyone else. Two weeks and it had felt like a lifetime, a lifetime where warnings burned in his mind flaring like a second heartbeat.

Can I please just say; IM SORRY AND I DONT KNOW WHAT I JUST WRITE BUT I CANT DECIDE WETHER ITS SAD OR HAPPY BUT EITHER WAY ITS A JEMMA SEXYTIME KINDA AND OTP SEXYTIMES MAKE ME HAPPY AND KOW THEYRE TOGETHER AND IM JUST CONFUSING MYSELF. But I'm very calm...Anyway sorry I haven't been updating guys everything's just been a bit manic with school so yea...I hope this either brightens or ruins your day :) XOXOX

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