Mark SExytimes ;)

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Mark stared at the boy standing in front of him. were his eyes betraying him, or was kieran really here? and if so how? he tried to ignore the way his heart sped up at the sight of the other boy, he tried to deny to butterflies he got whenever the fey prince was around but there was no way to turn a blind eye to the fact that this stupid, annoying, smart ass,annoyingly gorgeous fey was his kryptonite.

"mark-" his words were rough and had a certain rasp to them which was so unlike his usual smooth buttery tones mark took a step froward.

"kieran" that whisper was all it took for marks resolve to shatter at he lurched towards the boy almost tripping over is own feet in his haste. kieran had moved right when he had, his rush forward more graceful, more assured as he had always been and then they were in each others arms and they were kissing and suddenly everything was right again.

as kierans lips brushed over marks so smooth and soft and warm the emories came flooding back, over the dam he had placed there to hold back the horror that was his recollections of the hunt.

----flashbackkk----kierans povvv----

the ran poured and dripped through the trees pooling by the roots of the trees forming a protective canopy from the clouds. they had camped next to a small grove of the tall trunks. he could hear the low murmur of the other huntsmen from shallower in the forest, although he, kieran, always distanced himself from the others never understanding their continues need to talk and connect with each other. being alive for hundreds of years had taught him never to form connections with anyone, or anything let alone the fragile lives of mortals. thats when he heard it, the quiet, low sobbing blending in with the sound of the rain. peering around the mossy column of a tree he saw the boy sitting against it on the other side.

hugging his knees his back hunched over as he rocked himself. blood mingled with water dripping and running down his back over the ridges of the deep cuts kieran identified as whip marks almost immediately. what was left of his shirt was in a ragged puddle of grey in front of him, his hair curling towards it, the silky blonde tangles dripping as the rain pooled on the strands capturing the dull gold colour that was so unlike anything he had seen before it made him catch his breath. the muscles i his back tensed suddenly and he was admiring the well muscled expanse when he was met with a face that was most un like any he had ever encountered. the fey wee known for their beauty, but it had always been to sharp, too harsh for kieran the colours of their hair, or skin, or eyes but this boy. this boy made those colours into a new light. his left eye, a frozen over ocean, his right broken and gold. little did he know but kieran preferred the broken. full lips and a long nose, no this boy was not fey in fact he was beautiful for a human. 'no' a voice said in his mind ' not human. this boy, he is different. his scars and that look in his eyes. he is a fighter. he is a shadow hunter.' but that didn't turn him away. his disgust at these half breeds was forgotten the second he looked into his eyes.

"wha- what are you doing here" his voice quivered with pain and and the cold raising bumps along his scarred arms

--end of flashback--

mark gasped against kierans lips as the other boys long, fingers slid up under his shirt. mark stumbled against the nearest wall. his hands already clutching at the princes dark blue hair.

"keiran" mark gasped thoroughly breathless "how- h- how are you here?"

Kieran began making his way down along marks jaw, his lips and tongue making mark shiver

"i needed to see you" he pulled back looking down into marks eye with such intent mark couldn't believe it was kieran looking back at him his eyes black and silver light bending into the metallic silver and light being sucked into the black

"you'll get punished by- by" he was cut off by his own gasp as the fey hands suddenly dipped south and mark threw his head back

"yes probably." the smirk he was wearing was priceless "but its worth it to see you just once"

"this is not a love story" mark said

"if this was it would be quite disturbing to look upon" and then they stopped talking communicating by touches as was the way of the fey.


IM STARTING TO SHIP THEM I KNOW BUT THEYRE SO CUTE! oh and dont blame me but i may or may not have started watching a nice lil anime called free! and the host club....DON BLAME ME I LOVE THEM! anyway this was a nice lil fluffy piece for y'all :)

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