Car sexy times??!!

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OKAY. so i just found the "unidentified scenes" posted but cassandra clare...if you don't know what they are they are parts like one-liners from one of the books she hasn't published i made a scene where i collected snippets and unidentified snippets and made one scene that i hope is in the dark artifices.... ;) so the ones in italics are hers...

"I'm calling." Emma lunged for her phone.

"No!" Julian said, forcefully enough to stop her. "You know we can't tell anyone. About Mark —"

"You're not going to bleed to death in a car for Mark!"

"No," he said, looking at her. His eyes were eerily green-blue, the only bright color in the dark interior of the car. "You're going to fix me."

"Jules I, I cant! I don't know how and-"  tears started running down Emma's face, she was a shadow hunter she reminded herself, shadow hunters don't cry "angel, I'm more likely going to kill you then help you!" more tears came in an uncontrollable stream like blood from the wound in Jules's shoulder

"Emma I know you can do this, you can help me." He tried to reach up and brush her tears away with his dirty-caked hands but winced and lowered it, his eyes drooping. Emma shuffled over to him so his head was in her lap and gave his face a little slap

"no Jules, don't you dare die on me! You can't leave me here!" but his eyes were closed maybe forever. " NO!" Emma screamed and buried her face in Jules's shirt her body shaking uncontrollably racked with sobs and the realization that Julian was dead that nothing would ever be right again. "Jules...Jules I- I love you! I have always and will always and-" she broke off Jules had just said something, she immediately sprung off him and looked into his face, his eyes were half open a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth, he looked...fine, well other than the fact he was covered in blood his own dried and fresh

"Well, it's a bit ironic, isn't it?"

"W-what do you mean?" she hiccupped, unable to control her own breathing

"All that effort to convince you I wasn't in love with you, and here I am, dying in your arms."

"Jules I-"

"shh Em, just let me finish for once" he had the nerve to let out a small chuckle "You're in my bones and my blood and my heart," he said. "I'd have to tear myself open to let you go and oh angel, Emma Cordilia Castairs I love you. I have loved you for 17 years and I will love you until the day I die, admittedly that isn't very long but-" he was cut off by Emma rolling her eyes and giving him a light punch on the arm

"Jules! Are you serious?"

"Emma I'm sorry-, you don't need to feel the same way its just- needed to tell you- "

"No! angel no Jules I love you. I love you so much, but you cant actually be about to die and then you tell me what I have wanted to hear for 17 years? I must say, timing? Perfect. Just perfect." Emma was looking up and suddenly she caught sight of a glint of something silver under the car seat in front of her "Jules?" alarm crept into her voice "I think I see something!" she reached down and just managed to get her fingers around the thin, metal, stick, with ridges along its length. Emma would recognize the shape of a stele anywhere. She gasped

"wha?" Jules sounded like he was falling asleep

"Jules it's a stele! Give me your arm right now!" she grabbed his arm earning her a surprised yelp of pain from him but she didn't care all she cared about was the thin cylinder of adamis and the tanned skin of his inner wrist where his skin was more vulnerable then she began to draw memories overwhelming her of when, at the age of 10 she and Jules had learned the most important rune in the shadow world, the iratze. Jules laughing as his pen glided over the paper as he practiced while Emma sat and watched she was hopeless. She just couldn't get the lines in the right place, over the years her and Jules had helped each other out she showed him knife throwing and he showed her runes.

"Emma! Its working" Jules was right, the place where she had cut away his t-shirt to get a better look at the wound was closing the deep stab, the skin around it lacing together. He sat up, with some effort, but he was upright. She was still crouched in front of him the tears already drying on her face

"Jules I thought I'd lost you!" she launched herself at him throwing her arms around his neck and quietly crying into his neck his arms hugging her back, slightly shaking with relief as they held each other. She sat back so her face was nose to nose with Jules

"Emma I- I'm sorry, about what I said I- I just"

"shh Jules, let me finish for once" she mimicked then lent in her placing her lips over his. This wasn't one of those wild kisses where even you weren't sure what was going on, no this was sweeter like long lost lovers safe return to each other. His lips were warm and soft and he tasted like ginger and burnt sugar with the metal tang of blood a ghost in his mouth, she was lost in a world and all that mattered was Jules, Jules who was very much alive. He pulled back first concern filling those eyes she had mapped constantly

"Emma are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure that I love you" and before he could answer they were kissing again, she had move so she was in his lap and his hands were in her hair her hands on his chest, feeling the heartbeat there slow steady, like Jules her rock, her calm, the only fore that stopped her from taking off. This was far too safe for Emma's tastes she reached down for the hem of Julian's shirt and ran her hands up his stomach rewarding her with a small moan from him. She mapped his body with her calloused hands, feeling the ridges of scars, the outlines of muscles and the crust od dried blood, she learnt him to memory. Jules suddenly flipped them over so she was beneath him, balancing his weight on his elbows. They broke for a second and she was thoroughly breathless but she had a sense this was all wrong something wasn't right. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer and suddenly his shirt was gone and the marked, tanned skin that was Jules surrounded her. Suddenly she flipped tem she was on top, now that was right. She pulled her tank top over her head so she was there in just a charcoal bra. Jules was looking up at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world and she was looking back a triumphant smile on her face. He reached up and cupped her face, framing her cheeks with his hands, artist's hands.

"Hi there" she said softly

"Hi there" he smiled. She sat up and he reached after her but she shooed his hands away

"Jules we cant we're parabtai th- this never could have worked! You cant love me and I cant love you, you know that!"

"What if I just love you? What if I love you but I never touch you or talk about it, what would happen then?" then the world would be broken Emma thought, instead she said

"Jules that wouldn't be love, that would be a cruel form of torture" and she reached for his arm and with her fingers wrote


"Yeah," he said, eyelashes lowering as his gaze traced the movement of her fingers. "Did you ..." He could barely bring himself to ask. "Did you like it?"

"Yeah." Her voice was husky. "I liked it."

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