Bee's and other stinging things

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Tiberius Blackthorn was not known for his people skills. He was not known for his staggering beauty as he was most certainly not known for his impeccable taste in fine literature. In fact if you asked anyone outside of the inhabitance of the Los Angeles and New York institutes they would probably respond with the expected "who?" And "what?" With raised eyebrows noting the familiar last name. For everyone knew of the blackthorns. They knew of the trial one way or another either in sketchy detail from those who had been told or crystal clarity for those who had been present. Ty had been 15 at that point and remembered most but not all of what had transpired when the woman with platinum grey hair and sharp elbows and chin had knocked on the huge doors of the Los Angeles institute 2 years ago. She hadn't asked questions haven't said more than her name which he had no need to remember or note and her reason for visiting which he had found need to remember; she was coming to take Julian and Emma away. The next weeks were a blur of Livvy, always Livvy holding him and crying and whispering voices saying things like "parabtai" "illegal" "disgraceful". They had been shipped off to Alicante, even little tavvy who had been barely 8  at that time. Alicante had been a cold, stony place with angry faces that glared at ten wherever they went like they were criminals. But the daggers shot from the eyes of onlookers was nothing compared to the daggers of ice cold air digging through the gaps and seams in their clothing. Alicante had been covered in a layer of snow making the usually warm welcoming buildings dark and stark white like pieces of bone reaching towards the sky made of dark grey cloud.

Then there had been the days waiting where they had been given a room in the guard Livvy, Dru, Tavvy and himself while Julian and Emma - after giving extensive goodbyes to each of them which Ty did not have the time or patience to do - had been taken off into separated chambers so they could watch them. Livvy had been mom for the four days they were kept there, singing them to sleep, cuddling Dru/Tavvy/Ty when they had nightmares and made sure everyone was okay in Julian's absence. By the end of day four  a severely broad shouldered man in robes to straight with a face too angry to be friendly escorted them to the council room where a crowed of even more angry faces. Or were they scared faces? He could never tell the difference between the two and constantly had to ask Livvy for help, she understood that which he did not. Ty, Livvy, Dru and Tavvy were all put along the first row of benches as Emma was pulled in by a guard he distantly remembered from the Cold War. She was sat down on a large wooden chair so huge she looked as small as Dru. Then a tall woman with hair short an black who was all angles placed a sword in her hands. That was when the question in began.

Okaaaay so that was intense. That was a request for a Ty story...idk how to write Ty tbh so wasn't really about him either...oh well 😅☺️ but the real question is, what are they being convicted for??? Fun fun fun I will probably be updating Santa Monica next 😘 but yea...this is why I love requests...feel free to request away 😘😘

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