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Hali ♡_______

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"Home sweet home"

I pushed the door to our new home open. It wasn't large, but it was comfortable. In the back, there's a white surf shack, and in the front, there's Mom's new store. The rooms were small, with clean white walls and a coconut and vanilla scent in the air. Polished wooden floorboards with a few floor-to-ceiling windows that let in natural light. It was something I could get used to.

Mom forced us to relocate to the Outer Banks in order to pursue a new job opportunity. To be honest, I was relieved to be moving. I hated my previous life because I was constantly bullied at school. A new beginning is exactly what I needed.

I assisted Mom in bringing all of the boxes from the car and stacking them in front of the shop. Nala, our cavapoo, came running in as mum let her out of the car. This is something she would also have to get used to.

Mom and I were starving after our flight, so I offered to get us some food and drove around the suburbs looking for a restaurant or cafe. There were fewer people on the streets in the Outer Banks than in my hometown. As the warm island breeze blew through my brown hair, I stuck my hand out the window.

The Wreck was the first place I found, and the crowds streaming in and out gave me the impression that it would be a good place to get some food. A tall, friendly man greeted me and offered to take my order.

"Two chicken wraps and a small greek salad please" I asked. I stood to the side while my order was prepared. I took out my phone and scrolled through Instagram, looking at my friends' posts that included photos they had taken together. They seemed content, almost as if I hadn't left. I looked up from my computer to see a girl around my age struggling to carry some plates. I couldn't see her face, just her brown curls on either side. The girl tripped, and the plates fell out of her grasp. I jumped in to save the falling plates, grabbing the ones that had slid off the edge.

The brunette sighed with relief and smiled gratefully at me. "Thank you, my parents would have killed me if I had dropped anything."

I laughed at the girl. "Not a problem."

"Are you new around here?" She inquired as I assisted her in carrying the plates to the kitchen bench.

"Is it really that obvious?" As I placed the items on the bench, I smiled.

"The Outer Banks is a small island, I would've recognised you," she shrugged.

I nodded, my lips pursed. "I just moved here," she says.

"My name is Kiara, or Kie for short." She smiled as she extended her hand.

"My name is Hali." I took her hand and shook it, and she smiled back. She gave me the impression of a loyal and sweet young lady. She wore a red and white crop top with high waist denim shorts and a few coloured necklaces around her neck.

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