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consume - chase atlantic
Please understand that I'm trying my hardest
My head's a mess but I'm trying regardless
Anxiety is one hell of a problem



I was starting go get worried as we hadn't heard back from Hali, the girl being MIA since yesterday. Kiara had text her to meet us at the chateau, no reply. The four of us sat anxiously on the back porch, bouncing my knee as I bit my nails.

"She'll be here" Kiara reassured me, her phone letting off a loud ping. The three of us widened eyes perked up towards her.

"Is that her?" I hopefully watched the girl pull out her phone.

"Nope" She shook her head, the three of us slumping back down in our chairs.

"That's it, i'm going to look for her" I determined as I stood up from my position.

"I'm coming" John B offered as he sat up from the couch. My fits and jaw clenched as the two of us hurried towards the van.


"Where do you think she'd be?" John B asked as I sped down the road. "You don't think she went home? Do you?"

"We're about to find out" I shrugged, really hoping she didn't. We pulled up at the house which was awfully quiet, checking the driveway i noticed only one car. John B and I walked up to the front door, clenching my hand in a fist as I went to knock, something stopping me.

"Want me to knock for you?"

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes, placing three sharp knocks on the door. No one answered for a while, the quiet seemed a little too eerie.

"Well I guess no one's home" The brunette shrugged, just as we went to leave the door swung open. The man i recognised as her dad stood frantically in the door way, wearing a kook-like suit.

"Can I help you?" He furrowed as he looked us up and down.

"Evening Mr Ámmos" I nod as he crossed his arms, waiting for an answer. "Uh- we were looking for Hali"

"She's not home" He told us with a pointed glare.

"Do- do you know where she is?" John B asked with a worried glance. I took the time to notice a few large boxes stacked behind Hali's dad, a few suitcases placed around the floor.

The man noticed me looking and stepped closer towards me, blocking my sight inside. "Don't know, don't care" He shrugged, slamming the door on our faces.

"What an asshole" John B scoffed as we stormed towards the van.

"Did you see those boxes behind him?" I furrowed as the brunette shook his head. "It's like he was packing for something" I kicked a rock on the pathway before sitting in the van.

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