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Hali ♡ ________

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"Honey, there's a storm coming in" Mom told me from the kitchen as I sat in the lounge room with Nala, watching a murder documentary. For some reason I loved watching murder documentaries and crime series, mom and dad had no idea why.

"I think i'm hanging with the pogues today" I picked up my phone to check if i had any messages "Hey, where's dad?"

"He just popped into town to buy a few things, he should be back soon" She answered just as there was a knock on the door.

"Coming!" I yelled as I jumped up from the couch. I opened the door just to be tossed back as the pogues came running in.

"Annual hurricane sleepover!" They yelled at the same time making Nala bark at them in shock.

"What?" I laughed as the four stood inside, trying to calm down my dog.

"Pack your things" John B nodded to me.

"It's traditional that we sleep at John B's when there's a hurricane" Kiara informed me. I looked to my mom to read the expression on her face. She had a smile on her face as she watched us.

"We promise to bring her back intact" JJ promised my mom.

"Can I?" I asked with a pleading look. The others put their hands together as they begged my mom, JJ even got down on his knees as he pleaded. The rest of us did the same, the five of us now on our knees in front of my mom.

"Fine" She threw her hands causing the five of us to stand up and cheer. "Only if she comes back intact" Mom looked to JJ who nod his head.


"All right, off you go" Mom smiled as I scurried to my room with Nala, the pogues followed. I took a tote bag from a hanger as I tried to look for my sleeping bag.

"You'll need these" Kiara picked up my pyjamas and stuffed them in my bag.

"Ooh, and these" JJ threw a pair of underwear at Kiara.

"Hey" I laughed as I pushed JJ away from my underwear draw.

"This room is so nice" Pope sighed as he flopped onto my bed. "Much nicer than John B's place, No offence JB"

"None taken" John B shrugged as he went through my things. I threw a few more of my clothes into my bag as well as my toothbrush, makeup and skin care.

"Aww, she's so cute" Kiara gushed as she stroked Nala's fur. "Who's a cutie? You are?" She teased.

"Y'all done searching my room?" I asked JJ and John B as i threw my bag over my shoulder.

"No, not yet" JJ shook his head as I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out of my room.

"Let's go, bye Nala" I waved to the dog.

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