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romantic homicide - d4vd
I'm scared, It feels like you don't care
Enlighten me, my dear, Why am I still here?
I don't mean to be complacent with the decisions you made
But why?



I drove back to the chateau not long after, the pogues were out so I was home alone. I pulled a disgusted look as I examined the room, it was filthy and it stunk.

"Ew" I nearly gagged at the mouldy bread sitting on the counter. I pulled out my phone and read a message from Kiara.

Just went out 1:34pm
Be back soon 1:34pm

I sighed as my eyes scanned the room once again. The place was a mess and no one was gonna do anything about it. I have time.

Grabbing the plastic bags from a cabinet and the broom from outside I started to clean, something I did if I was bored or stressed. I threw all the empty beer and soda cans into the bag, as well as the mouldy bread. I folded all the clothes that lay on the floor and placed them in John B's room. I washed all the dishes that piled in the sink, setting them away in the cabinets.

By the time I finished and admired my work the door swung open and in stepped the four pogues.

"Woah" Pope gaped in astonishment.

"Oh my god, there's a floor" Kiara gasped, John B walked in behind her, lost for words.

He stuttered as he was too stunned to speak. "You did this?"

"The place was a fucking pig sty, Nala lives better than this" I frowned as Kiara chuckled.

"Yeah well that's because she lives with you" John B placed his hands on his hips as he admired the room some more. "You didn't have to do this"

"Yeah well, you lazy-" I cut myself off when JJ pushed past me to stomp outside, slamming the door behind him. The four of us gave each other a look of confusion.

"Um" Pope frowned "What was that all about?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing" John B replied with bewildered expression.

"You know, he was awfully quiet on the way back" Kiara realised as she crossed her arms. "Someone should-"

"I got it" I offered as I followed his steps out the back. The blonde stood against the side of the chateau, skipping rocks against the ground. His face didn't turn when he heard footsteps, or even when I stood a few feet away from him.


"Don't, Hali" He shot out of anger.

"What?" I frowned, completely taken back by his tone.

He laughed in disbelief. "I know what you did"

At this point I was getting frustrated. He stormed out of the house and is angry with me. For what?

"I don't have a clue what you're taking about so care to enlighten me?" I crossed my arms as I watched him run his tongue against the inside of his cheek. "Don't make that face, tell me what you mean"

"Rafe" He stated with a scowl. "Ring any bells?"

"Context please"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You kissed him"

My cheeks burnt red and my heart skipped a beat but I stayed with my arms crossed and a glare pointed towards the blonde. "That's not what happened"

"Mhmm, i'm sure it's not" JJ snapped and stormed back inside. My frown and glare dropped, a sympathetic look took their place.

"Wait, JJ" I tried to stop him, following him back to the chateau. The other three turned to see the furious blonde, me hot on his heels.

"What happened?" Kiara frowned as the other two waited for a response.

"Ask Hali" His thumb traced the edge of his mouth with a sniffle, storming out the front door.

"Hali?" Pope furrowed towards me, my cheeks red with my nails digging into my palm.

"Fuck" I muttered as I followed JJ out the door, leaving the other three with bewildered expressions. "JJ"

"Don't" He shook his head as he continued to stomp off. "I don't want to talk to you"

"JJ, stop" I ran in front of him, placing my hands on his arms to stop him from leaving.

"Let go of me" He demanded as he pushed me out of the way.

"I didn't kiss him!" I blurted out, he didn't listen as he continued to walk off. "Fuck" I placed my hands on my head as I watched the blonde disappear from view.

Kiara came running out a few moments later, watching me pace back and forth with my hands on me head.

"What happened?" She frowned as she stood next to me, taking my hands and placing them by my side.

"I really fucked up" I told the brunette, her expression softening as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Wanna go for a walk?" She smiled as I nod my head, linking her arm with mine as we strolled down the road.

The street was quiet, only the sound of leaves rustling and our footsteps against the rough gravel. We walked in silence for a moment, gathering my thoughts and words before I told Kiara everything. She didn't mind the silence, kicking a few rocks on the path as she waited patiently for me to begin.

"I don't want you to get mad" I gazed to my feet with a sigh. I loved Kiara, honestly. But a part of me was scared to tell her what happened, mostly because well Rafe kissed me and I knew how much she hated them. I didn't want her to think I was in the wrong like JJ. I wanted her to be on my side and understand where I was coming from.

"Why would I get mad?" She frowned as she looked at me, keeping my gaze to my feet.

I took a deep breath before I opened my mouth to tell her. "Rafe kissed me" The brunette stopped walking, watching me walk a few feet in front of her before turning back to see her jaw dropped and eyebrows furrowed. As she watched me drop my head her eyes softened and her expression changed sympathetically.

"What happened?" She softened as she took my hands.

"Can we talk on the beach?" I sighed. I felt more comfortable on the sand with the waves crashing against the shore, i knew everything would flow once we were there.

"Of course" Kiara nod as she took my hands, leading the two of us to the boneyard.

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