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this side of paradise - coyote theory
Are you lonely?
Our fingers dancing when they meet
You seem so lonely
I'll be the only dream you seek
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me



Not long after we arrived at her house, parking her bike in the driveway. She jumped off first, lowering Nala to the ground before coming back to help me.

"Shit" Hali muttered as she wrapped her arm around my waist, resting mine around her shoulder.

"What's wrong" I frowned as I examined the house, getting feelings of deja vu from the times i'd been here.

She took hold of my hand that was around her shoulder. "Dads home" I gave her a slight look of sympathy, as well as empathy. "We might have to sneak though my window" Nala let out a small bark as she scurried to the window, indicating it was still open from when she snuck out.

"Didn't your mom have a shop?" I asked as I peered over to the structure at the front.

"She closed it" Hali shrugged, not know why. "Here" She offered, opening the window wider to sneak both of us in. She first lowered Nala inside, letting her run around in her bedroom. I shuffled onto the window seal as she helped kick my legs over.

"You okay?" She asked as I let out a small grunt.

"Never better" I smiled as I twisted my body to dismounted off the edge. I landed with a groan as the pressure ranged through my legs. Hali was quick to follow, leaping off the edge as she landed next to me.

"Here, sit down" She helped me sit as I flopped onto her bed. "I'll be back" She told me as she snuck out of her room, closing the door behind her.

My body ached in a million different places. My head was still throbbing and I could practically feel the bruises. I used my thumb to trace the edge of my mouth, wiping away the blood.

I sat up in her bed, admiring the girls room. It smelt as vanilla, her signature scent. Her room was cosy and warm which made sleeping easier, i felt as if i would fall asleep at any moment. The setting sun flood in through her window, giving the room a golden hue. Photographs of me and the pogues lined her wall, smiling at the memories.

Nala had jumped up onto the bed and snuggled against the side of my body. "You're a lucky girl" I smiled as I stroked her fur.

"I'm back" Hali panted as she locked the door behind her. She looked sick and pale, as if she'd just seen a ghost.

"Are you okay" I asked with a frown as I watched the girl stand in front of me, dangling my feet off the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine" She hasted with a sigh. She pulled out a cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol. "This is gonna sting, i'm sorry"

vanilla candle | jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now