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me and your mamma - donald glover
Can't stand it, backhanded
They wanna see us falling apart
You know that I love you
So let me into you



As we walked along the beach i could feel the light breeze come against me. I could feel the soft sand underneath my feet. My foot was making marks on the beach as I took every step, the marks remained until the water came and erased it away. Soft, fluffy clouds were covering the sky as it started to split away. The sun restored and made the water shimmer at every touch. As these waves dashed, the noises soothed me every time. It felt like an escape to all my problems and also my stress. The beach felt like a solution to everything and I could be open with anything. Kiara and I found a large log to sit on, inhaling the salty smell in the air.

"Tell me everything that happened" The brunette smiled, taking my hands in hers. And I did. I told her everything. From the moment at lunch with Rafe to the kiss we shared, until we got to JJ storming away. The girl nod as she listened, taking in every word I spoke.

I felt like such an idiot. It was all my fault that all of this happened. I've spent all this time blaming the others when really, I had no one but myself to blame.  Every time I mentioned the kooks or Rafe, I would wait to see Kiaras expression, expecting some sort of disgust or betrayal behind her face but it was always soft and genuine. She really didn't care at that moment about what I did, she only cared for me and how I felt.

I've never felt more relieved to have Kiara. She really cared and loved me for who I was, something I'd never forget and always appreciate her for.

Once I finished I took a deep breath, catching my breathe and giving myself a moment. Kiara sighed and wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back in comfort.

"I'm sorry about JJ" She confessed. "We can't control how he is"

"But I see where he's coming from" I told her as I broke the hug, grabbing her hands to hold in mine.

"But it wasn't your fault, Rafe kissed you and you pulled away straight away" She frowned "Besides, it's not like y'all were together"

"Yeah but still gives him the right to be mad" I sighed. "He didn't deserve what I did to him, I could've at least told him so he didn't hear it from someone else"

"He should've came to you first before he threw a fit like a two year old" Kiara chuckled as I slightly smiled.

"I don't know what to do about him, at least i've  sorted it out with Rafe and I know he didn't mean it" I sighed as Kiara slightly nod.

"It's beyond your control, he'll come around" The brunette reassured me.

Would he though?


The next day I felt much more relaxed. Talking to Kiara really helped let everything out, today I would try to talk to JJ and explain everything. I was ready. I knew he wouldn't want to hear it but I was gonna at least try.

I pulled up my black denim shorts as well as a baby blue tank top. I put on my necklace and decked out my fingers with rings, spritzing my perfume and scurrying out the door.

Dad stopped me in the living room, wearing another fancy suit with kook-like shoes. "Where are you going?"

"To see my friends" I told him with a frown, his expression irritated.


"Is that a problem?" I shot with a cross of my arms.

"Nope, not at all" He smiled fakely. "Have fun" I scoffed as I stormed out of the house, letting the door slam behind me.

Ever get that feeling where you just want to punch someone in the face? That was me right now.

It occurred to me that whenever one of my parents were home, the other wasn't. Mom wasn't there today, probably off doing something by herself.

I drove to the chateau in silence. My windows up and my music off, just me and my thoughts. I let them run wild, nervously tapping the wheel as I turned down John B's street.

Upon arrival, the pogues stopped their chatter out on the porch, their hands turning to glare at me instantly. Everyone expect Kiara. She smiled and waved at me, patting the spot next to her on the couch. I went to walk over to her when JJ's words pierced through my ears, causing me to stop in place.

"What is she doing here?"

"Shut up JJ" Kiara scoffed as the blonde rolled his eyes.

"Why are you on her side Kie?" He pointed to the girl in frustration. "You know what she did"

"So does she" Kiara stood frustratingly. "She knows it was wrong so move on"

"She kissed Rafe, out of all people, and just expects us to move on?" JJ threw off his hat as he shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm right here" I frowned as I crossed my eyes.

"Unfortunately" He shrugged and rolled his eyes, causing me to scoff.

"I don't know what your problem is" I shot. "It was a mistake, i pulled away, and we weren't even together"

"Why were you there in the first place?" John B asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Leave her alone" Kiara spoke up.

"Stay outta this Kie" JJ shot as he turned to the other brunette. "Pope, you agree with me on this"

"Why'd you do it?" He asked as he stood up to me. "Why'd you let him"

I shook my head slightly as I gazed towards my feet. "I didn't know"

"You didn't know?" JJ scoffed. "Great answer, you didn't know he was kissing you?"

"I didn't-" I was cut off as the blonde stood inches away from my face, looking down at me with a furious look.

"No one wants you here"

"I do" Kiara raised her hand as she sent a glare to JJ, receiving a look of disbelief back.

"I don't want to argue with you" I told the blonde, his expression didn't change the slightest.

"Should've thought about that before you decided to let Rafe kiss you and not even tell me" He almost whispered.

"They're kooks Hali" Pope stated as he sat back down. "You're supposed to be a pogue"

"Out of everyone, i thought you'd be on my side Pope" I shook my head at the boy, his gaze turning towards his feet.

"She's not a pogue" JJ shook his head. "Not anymore" He placed his hat back on his head and stormed out of the chateau.

"Oh my god" Kiara rolled her eyes at the boys over dramatic. John B stood in front of me, his eyes full of betrayal and hurt.

"The least you could've done is told us, him even"

"Give me a break!" I pushed him back causing him to stumble into Kiara. The sound of a motorcycle revving took off into the distance, Pope following JJ's line of travel.

authors note

a little dramatic but anyways

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