t w e n t y f i v e

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call out my name - the weeknd
I want you to stay
I want you to stay, even though you don't want me
Girl, why can't you wait?



It didn't matter what I did or where I went, the thought of Hali followed me everywhere. I tried to drown out the sound of her voice and the look on her face with alcohol and weed but nothing seemed to work.

It fucking pissed me off that she kissed Rafe. I don't ever care who kissed who, it still hurt knowing they did. Even after she promised me that she wouldn't go back, she did. I thought her promises meant something, i guess they didn't.

My worry and anger all fumed into one. We all tried to warn her about the kooks and for some reason she didn't listen. I knew she kept going over there, hell, she probably went to her boyfriend Rafes house after I left.

It started with her sleeping over after the party, i thought that was it but it continued. I then caught her on a lunch date with him, after she lied and told me she was at home. All leading to when they kissed and she didn't even have the decency to at least let me know. Even if it was before we were together, it didn't matter.

The worst part was that I was jealous.

Why wouldn't a rich, stuck up snob want a girl like Hali, of course she liked him back. He could give her everything and anything. Rafe had all the money in the world to provide her with all her needs and wants.

What did I have? Not a penny in my pocket. Nothing to give her or to show my love for her. Nothing I had would make her want to stay, so her leaving for Rafe was understandable.

I sat in the hammock out back of the chateau. No one home which is exactly what I wanted. I let out a puff of smoke from my Juul, once again drowning my thoughts away with each hit i took.

The porch door swinging open didn't make me move, keeping my gaze out towards the marsh. The opposite side of the hammock dipped at the sudden change of weight, looking to see John B prop his feet up alongside mine.

"Hey man" He greeted with a nod, fixing his position so he was comfortable.

"Sup" I nodded back, taking another hit.

"How're you holding up?" The brunette asked as he watched me fumble the stick in my hands.

"Never better" I shrugged, squinting to look out towards the marsh again.

"You talked to Hali yet?"

"I don't want to" I shook my head as John B nod with a pity smile.

"I think you should" He suggested. "Do you still like her?"

"Bro of course i do" I threw my hands in frustration for confessing. "I can't stop thinking about her!"

"Then tell her!"

"I can't!" I yelled, placing my hands on my head. "I can't"

"Why not?" John B frowned.

"Because she deserves the world, and i can't give it to her" I shook my head as I watched his gaze turn towards the back porch. "What?"

"Hey Hali" The brunette greeted the girl as she stepped onto the grass. For some reason whenever I saw her the anger rose back up, pushing the feelings of worry and love for her back down.

"Hi" She slightly smiled as she sat in a lawn chair, i kept my gaze away from her although her voice made my heart pound.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a hit from my juul.

"Do I need a reason to be here?" She twirled her hair as she crossed one leg over the other.

"Well we were kinda in the middle of something" I squinted as John B kicked my leg in indication to shut up. I shot him a look as he pointed his eyes towards the girl.

"For fucks sake" She rolled her eyes, obviously seeing the looks we gave each other.

"Can you help me grab something from inside?" John B asked the girl who nod with a slight smile. I shook my head in disbelief as the brunette took her hand and led her inside, leaving me with my thoughts once again.

A few birds chirped in the distance as I let out a puff of smoke once again. I pushed down the urge to follow her inside the house, forgive her and give her the biggest kiss.

"Fuck" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, the thoughts clouding my mind.



I followed John B inside, stopping in the kitchen which was much cleaner due to the cleaning I did. Smelling a bit nicer than usual if I may add.

"What's up?" I started, taking a seat on the counter as I watched the boy grab a beer from the fridge.

"I think you should talk to JJ" He confessed, sitting on the counter opposite from me.

"Yeah well i've tried that" I shrugged with a pout, playing with the rings on my fingers.

"Just try again"

"Why can't he talk to me?" I tilted my head as I watched the boy stutter for words. "I'm not the one who's in the wrong here"

"You and I both know that's not fair" He shook his head.

"John B, listen. I made a mistake and I know that" I stood from my spot and grabbed a can from the fridge. "But he didn't have to act like that"

"You know JJ, of course he's going to be jealous and hurt"

"Jealous?" I frowned, not hearing that one before. I knew he was hurt and betrayed, but jealous? What did he have to be jealous of?

"Hali" John B had a stern look, knowing that deep down, i knew he was jealous.

"Mhmm, sorry" I shook my head to snap out of my thoughts.

"Just talk to him, he at least deserves that"

"Fine, fine" I raised my hands in surrender.

authors note

ahhh i know, i'm so so so sorry it's so short. i didn't know what else to add as the chapter was just too the point. heaps more is coming. i'm trying to make everything lead up to it.

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