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Hali ♡ ______

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My vision was blurry and my eyes stung. My heart beat rapidly as I crawled onto the intimate sand. Water spewed from my mouth as I tried to cough up all the liquid i swallowed. My chest felt like it had been pulled apart as oxygen came rushing in. I gasped in between each cough to allow the air to flow through, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.

"Hey, hey. you're okay, you're okay" John B patted my back to emit the salty water. I sat on my knees on the shoreline, small waves splashing over my feet as I panted for additional air. Words absent from my mouth as I stare at the sand, letting my vision settle.

"Hali" Kiara bent down next to me, concerned that nothing came out. Her voice muffled as my ears plugged.

"Can you hear us?" Pope stated slowly as he knelt in front of me. I slowly nod in response as I couldn't bring myself to open my mouth and confer.

"I think we should get her checked out" Kie gazed at the boys as she rubbed my back.

As if on cue, i chimed in. "No, no, no" I shook my head. "I'm fine"

"Hali, you nearly just drowned" Pope restated as if it wasn't obvious.

"If we didn't notice you- " John B was cut off by the brunette girl giving him a glare.

"Thank you" I whispered as I leaned back down, resting my stomach over my knees. "Really"

"Come on, let's get you home"


"Hey" John B called from the drivers seat to gain my attention, already out of the van. "You sure you're okay? JJ would kill me if anything happened"

I slightly chuckled as I rubbed my temples. "Yeah, no, i'm good"

"Call us later?" Kiara asked with a soft smile.

I nod in response. "Thank you, for saving me"

"Don't make me do it again" John B chuckled as I let out a slight giggle. "Be safe"

I slowly walked up to the side door, hesitant to open it. "Here we go" I pushed open the door as moms head snapped towards the sudden moment.

"Oh, Hali!" She gasped as she came running over to me, placing her hands on my cheeks. "Where have you been?" I heard Nala's paws scratch against the wooden floorboards as she scurried down the hall.

"I slept at John B's" I deadpanned as I picked Nala up to cradle her in my arms, stroking her fur as mom shot me a look of disbelief.

"Ive been worried sick" She placed her hand on her chest as she kept her gaze fixed upon me. "What's this?" She traced her hand across a slight bruise around my eye.

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