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Hali ♡ _______

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I woke to the faint sound of birds chirping as golden rays of sunshine peaked over the clouds, spreading various hues of shiny silver and gold. A few dewdrops covered the lush grass as a gentle warm breeze flowed through my hair. I groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit my face. Loud snores made me realise I was still on the hammock, John B inches away from me.

I carefully tried to pick myself off the hammock, stumbling to find my balance as the brunettes weight lay on the opposite end. I stretched out my arms as a yawn escaped my lips, my feet sinking into the soft, dewy grass. My back ached from sleeping on the hammock, i twisted to try and crack it, letting out a sigh of relief when i heard a crack.

John B stirred awake as he stretched out his arms and legs, obviously forgetting he was in the hammock. His body twisted off as he tried to hold on, reaching out too late. He fell to the floor with a grunt, groaning in pain as grass stuck to his arms and legs.

"What a beautiful way to wake up" I snorted as I bent down to help him up.

"Definitely wasn't expecting that" He admitted as he rubbed his eyes, the golden rays of sun embracing his brown eyes and the slight blonde locks in his hair.

"Hey, wanna go surfing?" I asked with a pleading look. It was surprisingly hot as i could feel the sweat starting to form on my forehead. Even with the breeze, the air remained thick and hot.

"Please" John B replied without hesitation, ripping off his shirt as he could feel it glue stickily to his skin.

"Would I have left any particular bikinis here?" I asked with a worried smile, hoping i had so i didn't have to go home.

"Y'all literally filled out a whole draw, i'm sure there's something in there" He told me as he flicked his hair off his face, following me back inside the chateau.

The time was around 11:30 as John B and I had slept in, considering our late night. I scurried into his room and rummaged through his draws, looking for either mine or Kiaras swimsuits.

"Yes!" I victoriously held up a bikini i found. I couldn't tell who's it was since the brunette and I had similar taste in clothes. I hurried into the bathroom and changed into the swimsuit. It was a navy blue, triangle top bikini, the bottoms tied onto each side in a little bow. I splashed some water onto my face to wake myself up a little, running my fingers through my hair in attempt to brush it without a comb.

"Ready?" John B asked with two beer cans in hand. He stood shirtless with navy blue and orange shorts, his fathers bandana tied around his neck.

"Ready" I nod as he threw me the beer can.

"You're lucky i have a spare board" He raised his eyebrows as I followed him out front.

"I'm lucky?" I chuckled. "You're lucky, if you didn't I was 'bout to put up a fight"

"Thank god for that extra board" The brunette silently prayed to himself. I laughed as I nudged him out of the way to grab the board.

"Let's roll"


After picking up Kiara and Pope, the four of us headed to the beach. JJ mentioned he couldn't make it and offered we go without him. I was a bit worried as JJ would never pass up a surf day, especially considering how hot it had gotten. John B reassured it was nothing and we would go see him later.

"Ah fuck" I winced at the first touch of the balmy sand, my feet sinking in as the minerals wrapped around my toes.

"Come on Hales" Pope ushered as the other two ran onto the sand, as if their feet weren't affected by it at all.

"How are they even touching it right now?" I frowned as I shielded my face from the beams of light.

"If you run it won't affect you" He held out his hand for me. I gladly took it as he pulled me onto the sand, the two of us wincing before we reached the water.

The waves were crawling to the shore, breaking gently into white foam before retrieving back out. The small crystals in the sand glimmer and twinkle against the golden sun rays. The breeze carries the salty scent that swirls in my nose leaving a feeling of tranquility and safety. The brisk water proceeds up my legs and to my torso as I push off the sea floor and onto my board.

As the whitewater from the crashing waves get closer and closer I submersed myself along with the board, a rideable wave approached as a smirk crept across my face. I felt the wave push and lift me up, grasping the board and elevating myself into a plank, deciding where I want my feet to go. They land and thrust at the same time, stamping my rear foot and leaning with the water, guiding the board through the wave.

I can see the wave about to crumble, jumping back into a crouched position and grabbing hold of the board to lower my body down. And repeat.

I did the same thing all over again, letting the cool water splash onto my body as I paddled back out. I went a little further out then the rest of the pogues, who were enjoying the sun on their boards as they pushed each other around. I made sure the strap around my ankle was tight, bracing myself for the huge wave that approached.

I elevated my body, positioning my feet firmly on the board below. I stumbled a little as the wave crashed against the board, enduring my balance. The wave was strong, stronger than the others. Another crash against the board caused me to descend into the ocean, taking a huge breath before I toppled over.

I didn't panic as I attempted to swim back to the surface but only made a few strokes before the next wave passed overhead, pushing me back down. I nearly lost consciousness at this point and was again driven deep. The undercurrent bashing me around.

My legs and chest started to burn, as i strained i felt my stomach begin to churn, my arms felt like their weight increased with every small movement. My mind wrapped with fear and paranoia, a once safe space now sourced with worry. Every time I tried to resurface, another wave pushed me back down. Pain, fear, worry. My hair floated upward and the sunlight was getting further and further away.

The pressure of the water began to close around me, crushing every part of me without a single sound. My ears throbbed as the sound of my heart beat echoed in my chest, begging me to stop and give my heavy arms a rest. My chest felt like it was being compressed right in the centre by a giant fist and being pulled apart at the same time. My limbs felt dead and heavy, as if i had no control over them.

I couldn't go down like this.

The more I tried to fight, the weaker my body got. My ears ringing as everything went silent. The cold embrace of the sea is clawing at me as my mind wanders, remembering my loved ones.

JJ. Kiara. Pope. John B. Sarah. Mom. Nala.

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