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daddy issues - the neighbourhood
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I know that you got daddy issues, and I do too



I loud grunt left my lips as I was thrown to the ground, rolling in the mud as I clutched my stomach. The intoxicated man i know as Dad kicked my side, rolling my body so I lay on my back, a sharp pain shot through my torso.


"You think I wouldn't find out?" He spat, his breath reeked of alcohol and weed. I cursed under my breath as he placed his foot on my chest, pushing his pressure down to the soles of his feet. "I know you've been running around with that little shit"


"You think she loves you?" He slightly chuckled as he threw a punch across my jaw, whipping my face to the side. He grabbed my cheeks as he turned my head back towards him. "You think any girl would want to be running around with a piece of shit like you?"

My heart sunk at his words. A part of me knew he was true. Why would a beautiful, kindhearted, slightly richer girl like Hali, love an irresponsible, kleptomaniac, beer drinker and weed smoker like me.

The sound of knuckles against bone cut my thoughts short. I dug my head into the ground as I yelled out in pain. My breaths heavily as i groaned in agony. He stood above me, panting as his hand still curled in a fist.

"I know about your little brawl and how you got fired" He laughed in disbelief as his hand shot up to punch me again. "Too busy sticking up for that little whore"

"She's- she's" I stuttered as i tried to get my words out, my head throbbing from the hits I took. "She's- not a-a whore"

Dad laughed in amusement as he muttered something under his breath. "You know son, i hope one day you see that you deserve no one" Drips of his beer dripped from his mouth and onto my cheek, his breath wafting around the atmosphere. He gazed upon the many bruises on my face, satisfied with his work. He muttered phrases to himself as he stomped inside, slamming the door shut.

I lay on my back, soft tears ran down the side of my face as I gazed up towards the endless blue sky. When was this going to stop? I should've known not to come back here. I thought he was still out.

Maybe he was right. I didn't deserve Hali. She deserved so much better than me. She deserved the world and I couldn't give it to her.


It was like I could hear her voice replaying in my head. Her sweet tone filled with concern and worry.


Wait no. I definitely heard it that time. I slowly turned my head to see her running to my side, sliding on her knees to sit next to me.

"Oh my god" She cried as she ran her hands over my face, Nala snuggling against my side.

"Hali?" I reached my hands towards her face to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Nope. She was definitely there. "You can't be here"

"What happened" She cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You need to leave" I groaned as she helped me sit up, agony ran throughout my body. My stomach cramped as my head throbbed, easing into her touch.

"I'm not leaving without you" She wrapped her arm around my waist to help me stand, leaning my head against her shoulder to keep myself from yelping in pain.


"We'll take you back to mine" She shook her head as she struggled to drag me to her bike which was thrown against the dirt. "I have a medical kit, we can clean you up"

"You can't go home" I limped while frowning, remembering her attack from a couple days ago.

"I was just there, i snuck out my window" She gazed down to make sure Nala was trotting next to her, she wasn't. The cavapoo was by my side, slanted against my leg.

"Hali, i'm fine" I whimpered as her grasp tightened around my waist, pressing on one of the bruises.

"JJ stop" She gave me an apologetic look as she moved her hand in a different position. "You're not fine"

"How did you even-"

"I called John B" She cut me off as we approached her bike, Nala letting out a small yap as she scurried to it. "Nala" Hali gave her a stern stare to be quiet as dad was still inside. "I only have my bike, i'm sorry, you can try and sit on the back"

"Hali, it's okay" I softly smiled at her as she panicked to pull up her bike.

"No, JJ, please" She cried as she kicked the stand out, gently grabbing my waist to guide me over. I winced as I struggled to lift my leg over the seat, the brunette girl steadying my body as she made sure i was comfortable.

I watched as she picked up Nala and placed her in the small basket up front before taking a seat in front of me. Thankfully the seat was a little bigger than most, just fitting us both on it. I sat a little off but i didn't mind as she sat comfortably on the seat.

"Ready?" She asked as she kicked the stand back up, making sure i was okay before peddling off. I hummed in response as she began to pedal, struggling since she had extra weight, fortunately most of the ride was downhill.

I wrapped my arms around her waist as I rest my head on her shoulder. All my pain seemed to go away when I was with her. I let the warm breeze fly through my blonde locks as my shirt unstuck from my sweaty body. A smile evolved on my face as Hali placed her hand on top of mine, leaning back into my grasp.


authors note

i'm sorry this chapters so short, the rest of this chapter was too long so i had to cut it and move it to the next one :)

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