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Hali ♡______

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I must of passed out because the next morning I found myself in what looked like, Rafes bed. My head hurt and i had the worst hangover pains. I slowly sat up as i scanned the room. The boy was no where to be seen.

I slipped on a jumper that i found on the floor and unplugged my phone before heading downstairs. I managed to find the kitchen through the huge house. Rafe was leaned against the counter as he sipped his glass of juice, phone in his hand. His hair was messy and he wore a white shirt with black shorts.

"Morning" He greeted me. "Nice jumper"

"Hi" I groaned as i rubbed my head. "What happened?"

"You passed out and I wasn't gonna send you home drunk so i just carried you up to my room" He explained to me. "Don't worry, i slept on the couch"

"Thank you" I smiled as I sat on a stool behind the counter.

"Checked your phone?" He asked me as i shook my head. He leaned over the counter and showed me his phone. Sarah had posted a video of me dancing with Rafe, both of us obviously drunk. I quickly whipped out my phone to see thousands of messages from the pogues and my mom. A few stood out.

Where are you? 7:23am

Yo, what?  12:47am
You're with the Cameron's?   12:47am
Wtf   1:34am
Answer me  1:35am

You're not home  6:45pm
Where are you?    6:46pm
Hali?    8:58pm
Please answer    9:01pm
I'm worried    10:22pm

"Fuck" I muttered as I read over the thousands of messages, mostly from a worried JJ or confused/angry Kiara. "I have to go, i'm sorry"

"It's okay, i understand" Rafe nodded to me. I went to take off his jumper but he quickly refused. "Keep it, it looks better on you anyways"

"Thank you, for everything" I hugged the boy. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around my waist.

I quickly ran out of the house and down the street to my car, just as my phone rang. I looked to see the incoming call. It was JJ.

I connected my phone to my car before answering. "Hello?"

"Hali? Oh my god" He sounded relived.

"Hi JJ" I smiled at the boys voice.

"Where are you?" He worried.

"Driving home"

"I'm coming over right now" He stated.

"Wait JJ-" I was cut off by the call being disconnected. I groaned as the pogues probably had no idea what was going on. All they've seen were some videos and photos posted on instagram.

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