t h i r t y f o u r

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all i want is you - miguel
Now that you're gone, gone, gone, gone, gone
'Cause they don't smile, huh, or smell like you
And they don't make me laugh, or even cook like you



-a couple days later-

"Hello?" I called as I entered the chateau. It was quiet, too quiet. The birds had fallen silent and even the wind seemed to have died down. All was as still as death and dark as the grave. I scurried to the back porch my footsteps were loud, another creak, another shuffle, just down the corridor. Now only seconds away.

"Guys?" I questioned, pushing open the porch door. The three pogues sat motionless, quiet, in shock. I watched as tears streamed down Kiara's face. John B sat with his head in his hands and Pope just gazed out into space. A cold shivering wind blew on the back of my neck, something was off. I could feel it.

"Where's Hali?" I asked as Kiara broke into tears again. My stomach twisted into a knot as goosebumps arose on my skin. "Where is she?" I sternly asked again. John B lifted is head from his hands as Pope stood, sniffling and wiping his eyes.

"She- um" His words broke up and all he could say were stuttering sounds.

"Where is she!" I freaked, my jaw clenching as I touched the space my missing ring sat, now on the girls fingers. My eyes drained with worry as the world sat completely still. Nothing moved, not a leaf quivered.

"We- she"

"Her dad- " Kiara sniffled as she stood up from her seat. "She's gone"

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. I was frozen, rooted to my spot. I just stare with wide open eyes that couldn't shut, like the whole world is crumbling apart around me.

Then I bolted.

Dashing out the door I pushed past everything in my way. My vision became blurry as tears weld in my eyes. My heart pounded against my chest as I jumped onto my bike.


"JJ wait!"

My chest and shoulders in pain as I sped down the road, ignoring everyone's calls and worry's to come back. Time seemed to slow down but I kept going, revving as I accelerated, not caring how fast I was going. I needed to get there.

The phenomenon of my worst fears coming alive hurt even more than how hard I gripped onto the handles. I was lightheaded, and my skin was cold and sweaty. I was not okay to be driving but I didn't care right now, Hali was the only thing on my mind.

Upon reaching the Ámmos residence, i threw my bike to the side and dashed to the front. Placing three sharp knocks to the door, i waited anxiously for someone, anyone to answer. I tapped my foot as I couldn't help but rub the space where my ring used to sit. The door slowly got pulled open, Hali's mom standing in the doorway. A small glimmer of hope arose in my body, maybe she was still here?

"JJ" Her mom greeted with a soft smile. "How can I help you?"

"I um-" I stuttered as I tried to bring myself to ask, hoping the brunette I loved was still here. "Can I- is Hali here?" I dug my nails into my palm as I waited for an answer.

"Oh i'm sorry" She sympathised. "She just left with her dad" I felt a rising tide of fear from head to toe, my heart frozen as a chill ran down my spine.

"Where'd she go" I deadpanned, my eyes bloodshot.

"She'll be attending the academy for a year or two" Her mom sweetly smiled as if it was the best thing in the world.

The whole world suddenly stopped moving, everything frozen in place. Tears trickled in the back of my eyes, my soul drowning into a river of grief. My racing heart and shivering body couldn't be controlled. I didn't say anything and stood in place, unable to run away as my legs were paralysed in fear.

"Everything alright love?" Hali's mom asked with a sweet smile, reluctantly nodding my head in response as she sent me a confused glance, shutting the door on my face anyways.

My libs trembled as tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. I collapsed into a ball on the steps of the girls house. My blood ran cold as my breathing grew heavier. The weight of grief was crushing my soul. The pain felt like a hot, sharp knife, slicing through my skin and into my muscles and bones.


I slammed the chateau door shut, slumping into the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge. The pogues fled in from the porch, watching me with worried eyes.

"So is she-" Pope started, cutting himself off as the words were too much to say aloud.

"A whole fucking year or two" I chuckled in disbelief, trying my best to hide the pain as I rose my can.


"No, you stop being emotional. It's fine, okay?" I shot, my voice shaky as tears trickled in the back of my eyes again. Kie was the first to approach me, wrapping her arms around my neck as I cried into her shoulder, reluctantly wrapping my arms around her waist. "She's gone" I cried, once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.

"I know" She cried as she rubbed my back. "I know"

It felt difficult to breathe, the world felt empty and quiet without the bubbling brunette. There was nothing left of my happiness. Everything was gone. Anger, sadness, grief and shock took its place.

"Why would she just-"

"I don't know" Kiara sniffled as she rubbed my back. "I don't know" John B and Pope finally gave in and joined the hug, the three of us embracing in each others comfort. My gut felt as if it was twisted into a knot and my breath pattern was no longer normal. My eyes slowly shut, feeling exhausted and tired as my crying began to cut off.

She was truly gone.

The Ámmos girl whom I loved was gone.

authors note



i hope y'all enjoyed this book as much as I did. I'm very sorry to leave it on such a sad note.

thank you so much for reading this. everyone's contributions and comments inspired me to keep writing. i love y'all so much and i cannot thank you enough for everything.


yours truely

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