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moment - vierre cloud
are you falling in love?
i have a feeling you are



"J, it's pouring out there" Hali looked outside as we stood on the back porch.

"Come onn" I dragged her outside, she reluctantly followed as the two of us ran down the porch steps and further away from the chateau. We stuck our arms out on either side of our body's as we ran through the rain. Thunder roared as the occasional lighting flash every now and then.

Our hair and clothes were now drenched as we stood in the rain together. I felt a cold shiver all over my body. The wind was howling, the leaves from the trees were rustling. Another lightning bolt came from the sky as a crackling sound of thunder made Hali squeal and fall into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her shivering body as rain fell harder.

"It's so cold" She pushed her head into the crook of my neck as I stroked her wet hair, shielding her face from the hard falling rain.

"Look at the water" I pointed from afar as huge waves crashed against the dock. She smiled as she turned to face me. I looked down at her with a soft smile as I moved the drenched hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. She did the same as she moved my blonde locks out of the way.

I didn't realise but my eyes drew to her lips and then back up to her eyes. If i'm being honest, i was a little jealous of the kiss that her and John B shared earlier. I knew it was nothing but I kinda wished it was me instead.

I gazed into her light brown eyes as droplets of rain fell off her curled eyelashes. Her lips were soft and plump as a few freckles dot across her face.

I felt myself lean into her lips as she gently cupped my jaw and kissed back. I wrapped my hands around her waist as rain continued to pour over us, holding the kiss for longer. The butterflies in my stomach went crazy while my heart pounded, leaning more into the kiss. Her lips were cold but then again, so were mine.

Thunder crashed louder, making her jump and dig her head into the crook of my neck once more. I, again, wrapped my arms around her as the two of us shivered in each others grasp.

"Wanna go back inside?" I asked as my lip quivered. She looked back up to me as she wrapped her arms around her chest, placing her lips to mine once again. I softly chuckled at the girl as she looked up at me with widened eyes.

"Yes" She smiled as I took her hand and the two of us ran onto the back porch, closing the screen door behind us. We tried not to wake the others as we laughed, tiptoeing past them. Water dripped off our body's and all over the floor. We scurried into John B's bathroom, closing the door behind us.

"Here" I hurried to grab a towel as I draped it over Hali, her lips blue as her whole body shook.

"I think I have hypothermia" She shivered as I found a towel for myself.

"Me too" I chuckled.

"Does John B have any extra blankets?" She asked as she sat on the counter.

"Yeah, one sec" I told her as I hurried out of the bathroom and into John B's room. I opened his cupboard to find a couple thick blankets stacked on a shelf. Since there were no working heaters in the cut, we had to stock up on blankets to keep us warm. I grabbed a couple and placed them on John B's bed before scurrying back to the bathroom to get Hali.

"I found blankets in John B's room, come on" I told her as I took her hands and led her to his room. She immediately picked up one of the blankets as she cuddled her self into a ball on the floor, resting her back against the bed.

"Much better" She sighed. "Thank you" I gave her a small smile as I draped a blanket around myself and sat next to her. She rested her head on my shoulder as our body's had sort of warmed up.

"You know we kissed?" She giggled, making me smile. I hadn't let the event actually process through my mind yet. She was right. We had kissed. And in the rain.

"Yeah, we did" I chuckled as she placed her hand in mine. "Are you still cold?"

"I'm warming up, thanks J" Hali smiled as she dug her head into my chest.

"You were meant to do that right?" I asked as I scrunched my nose, hoping her answer was yes.

"Yes, J, i meant to do that" She softly chuckled as I ran my fingers through her hair.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while before I spoke up. "Hey, Hali?" No reply. "Hali?" I looked down to the girl who was fast asleep, only her soft snores would be heard. My heart pounded as she fell deeper into my chest. Her grip loosened around her blanket, causing me to catch it and bring it back up over her cold body. I ran my fingers through her hair again, giving her soft kisses on her head.

Did this mean we were something more? I didn't get to ask. Obviously i'd want to be but if she didn't want that then that's okay by me.

What if the kiss didn't mean anything to her? What if it was just a one off thing? What if she didn't fully comprehend what happened?

Maybe I was just overthinking.

Hali made me the happiest person alive. She was so sweet and funny and just an amazing person to be around in general. She made my heart spiral and made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

Hali Ámmos.

My favourite person.


authors note

currently crying they're so cute.

i love y'all.

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