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happier than ever - billie eilish
You call me again, drunk in your Benz
Driving home under the influence
You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath
'Cause you only listen to your fucking friends



I woke to my phone pining, a notification coming through, groaning as I planned to sleep in later. I felt arms grasped around my waist, turning to see a sleepy JJ next to me. I smiled as I admired the boy, his shaggy blonde hair fell in front of his face as faint freckles dotted around his nose. He looked so peaceful and calm, much better than he was yesterday although some bruises and cuts lay on his face. Nala lay by our feet, cuddled into a little ball.

I carefully turned to pick my phone off my bedside table, trying not to wake the sleeping boy. I squinted go read the message off my phone, the blue light blinding me.

Can you come over please 10:34am

I frowned at the message, annoyed and confused. Why did he want me to come over? I didn't want to see him after the kiss we shared not that long ago. I felt JJ stir in his position next to me, rubbing his eyes at the sudden change of light.

"Morning love" I smiled as I watched the blonde groan and stir.

"Morning princess" His voice was raspy as he turned to face me, placing a small kiss to my forehead.

"How'd you sleep" I asked as I moved his blonde locks off his face, running my hand through his hair.

"Your bed is so comfortable" He smiled as he shut his eyes, leaning into my touch.

"Glad to know" I placed a kiss to his forehead.

"Who was that?" He asked as he nod towards my phone.

"Uh" I tried to think of an excuse as another message popped up. "John B"


"What'd he want?"

"Uhh" I struggled to read the message. "He wants to know if we're coming over later"


"No?" I giggled as the blonde traced his finger down my nose.

"Can't we just stay here?" He smiled as he tucked a brunette lock behind my ear.

"Well if we do that then how are you supposed to eat breakfast?"

"Alright i'm up" He practically leapt out of bed as he threw the covers off. "Come on" He ran to the other side of the bed, taking hold of my hands and dragging me up.

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