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Hali ♡- four weeks later -________________

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- four weeks later -

I'd gotten closer to each of the pogues as there wasn't a day gone by without us seeing each other.

Kiara was my best friend. I basically told her everything and anything and vice versa. She said it was great to have another girl in the group as the boys can be a bit of a handful.

Pope had gotten less awkward around me and was more talkative too. Sometimes i had no clue what he was saying as he was too smart for the rest of us, so I just nod my head in agreement.

John B was like a sassy older brother. He always checked up on me to make sure I was okay and we were constantly play fighting. Kiara even told me that she'd tell him to back off. I only laughed as I enjoyed winning each time.

JJ and I had grown closer. We were always around each other as i had a closer bond to him then the others. We'd constantly go surfing to see who was a better surfer. Me. Obviously. I had grown to deal with JJ's jokes and stupid ideas as that was just how he was. He always play flirts with me as I do the same, but we both know it's never been anything more.

Being a pogue was the best. I just know that this summer will be the best yet.


I was tired from fishing with the pogues the whole afternoon. I don't know why though. Honestly I just sat and tanned the whole time.

I decided to walk home from the château as i only lived a few streets up and the afternoon breeze was nice. I had my phone out and was oblivious to my surroundings.

"Hello" I heard an unfamiliar voice. I looked up from my phone to see a dirty blonde, tall boy standing in front of me.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"I'm Rafe, Rafe Cameron" He held out his hand. I hesitated as the name clicked. 'If you ever encounter one of them. You turn and run the other way' Kiaras words replayed in my head from a couple weeks ago. I didn't want to seem rude so I took his hand.

"Hali, Hali Ámmos" I told him. He shook my hand before continuing.

"You're new here right?" He walked with me.

"You could say that" I nodded as I slid my phone into my pocket.

"So, there's this party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He asked me. "Just cause you're new and everything, you know?"

"A party?" I repeated. The boy didn't seem too bad. The fact he was inviting me to a party because i was new made me smile. He was being really nice for someone he just met. Just as Kiara was to me, and look how that turned out.

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