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JJ ♡_____

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"So, is she with us now?" I tried to hint to John B and I was really hoping he'd say yes. I met the new girl a few days ago after she hung out with us for the rest of the afternoon. She seemed really cool and she was fun to be around. She gave off this adventurous energy and she was just really hot in general.

Of course she wanted me.

I could see it in her eyes. I mean, why wouldn't she? I practically begged John B to make her a pogue, even Kie agreed. Pope was obviously a little nervous but that's just because he's Pope. I also felt bad. I mean, who else would she hang out with? The kooks?
Hell no.
She needed us.

Kiara started hanging out with her a lot more and that sorta made me glad. The more she did, the more we did. I asked her a couple times if i could tag along, but of course she said no.

"I don't wanna weird her out" Was her reply almost every time. Today though was different as Kiara decided to bring her with us to the beach. I was definitely happy about that but tried my best to conceal my excitement. 

John B, Pope and I jumped into the water as soon as we arrived on the beach. Surfing a couple waves to allow our bodies to get used to the coolness of the water. Kiara and Hali arrived not long after and I watched as her brown locks flowed in the breeze on the walk down. 

"Save some waves for us!" Kiara yelled as the two ran towards the water, paddling out towards us as they sat on their knees.

"Catch the next one!" Hali pointed to the approaching huge wave. I chuckled before swimming towards it a little more. The wave lifted me up as i planted my feat firmly on my board, letting the wave push me back to shore. I noticed Hali out of the corner of my eye. She was flawless at surfing. The way she did it so effortlessly. She noticed me looking and sent a small smile. I smiled back as i got back onto my knees and paddled the rest of the way to shore, her doing the same. She flicked her wet hair behind her shoulder as she picked up her board.

"You're pretty good at surfing" I chuckled, trying to start conversation. 

"Thanks, i guess" She laughed.

"Well you're not better than me, that's for sure" I shrugged jokingly. She mocked gasped and nudged my arm. I laughed as I watched the others come start to back to shore too, groaning as i was just starting to talk to her.

"I'm starving" John B complained as he flicked his hair out of his face.

"Yeah i could eat" Hali agreed with a nod.

"Up for leftovers?" Kie suggested.



The five of us arrived at The Wreck, all starving from an afternoons worth of surfing. I was a little disappointed when JJ and I couldn't finish our conversation earlier. He seemed really nice and was always up for some fun. He was cute too if i may add.

Kiara motioned for us to sit down as she went to grab the food. John B was fascinated by some photos framed on the wall while Pope was just in his own world. Leaving JJ and I to sit in awkward silence. I tried to start something.

"I could literally eat my arm" I groaned.

JJ chuckled. "I'd like to see you try"

"Wouldn't you, Maybank?" I smirked back.

"At least i'm a better surfer" He crossed his arms, shrugging with a pouted lip. 

I placed my elbow on the table "Okay, listen here-"

"Bon appetite" Kiara cut me off by placing our food on the table, causing John B to scurry over and stuff some chips into his mouth. I gave Kiara a thankful smile and did the same as John B.

"Mm, this is better than moldy bread any day" John B said through mouthfuls.

"Amen to that" Pope nodded. JJ threw some chips into John B's mouth, cheering when he scored at least one. I chuckled as I did the same with Pope, getting almost all of them in. JJ nudged me with a celebratory smile and cheer. 

"Something i'm better at than you" I crossed my arms with a smirk.

Kiara got up to play some music, motioning to John B to dance with her. I watched the two in awe, Kiara's hands around John B's neck. I traced my eyes to JJ, him already looking at me.

"Care to dance?" He held out his hand with a nervous smile, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"Certainly" I took his hand. He led me in the middle of the floor next to Kiara and John B, spinning me around before pulling me close, our noses inches apart. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his hands around my waist.

Something about being with the pogues made me so happy. They're the type to be there for you when you're upset or mad. The type to never leave your side and be there through it all. Just being with them could make you happy in minutes. The way their personalities all mixed together perfectly.

I wished it was something I could be apart of forever.


authors note

not pope fifth wheeling, my baby

vanilla candle | jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now