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everything i wanted - billie eilish
As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you



My ears fluttered open as I scanned the room, remembering i was at the chateau. I felt lazy and tired, not wanting to get up. My back ached from the position I slept in. I stirred on the couch as I turned to my side, hearing muffled words and groans. A blonde figure lay on the floor with a single pillow. My face lifted into a smile as I watched the boy groan and sit up, rubbing his eyes to focus.

"Good morning" JJ greeted me with his hands placed over his eyes. I was taken back by the fact he spoke to me with meaning, unlike the other days. I didn't know how to reply.

"Go-good morning" I stuttered as I pulled the blanket over my face in embarrassment. It was too early for this shit. I heard JJ slightly chuckle as he gently pulled down the blanket from my face.

"I'm ready if you still want to talk about it" He told me with a soft smile. A million thoughts ran through my head but I wasn't gonna argue. I reluctantly nod as I sat up, patting the seat opposite from me. He nod as he took the seat, wiggling to get himself comfortable.

"I'm really fucking sorry" I started. "I owe it to you to give you an explanation. I never kissed Rafe, he kissed me. I was overwhelmed and he comforted me when I went there to see Sarah. He hugged me then kissed me but i was too zoned out to register and i'm sorry. Once I realised I pulled away and left" JJ nod as he listened to me continue. "I'm sorry for not telling you, i didn't want you to freak and I didn't know how to say it because I was freaking out too"

"I'm sorry for they way i reacted, i didn't listen and I should've been there for you" The blonde shook his head.

"No but you were partially right" I scrunched my nose. "I should've at least told you when it happened instead of you finding out from someone else" He nod his head as my expression suddenly turned into a frown. "Wait, how did you know"

I watched as his shoulders rose as did his eyebrows, his cheeks burnt as he bit his lip.

"JJ" I held a stern look as his eyes wandered around the room.

"Morning Hali" John B appeared from down the hallway as he rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing here?" He frowned at the sight of JJ.

"Crashed the night" He shrugged as he stumbled to his feet.

"Are you- we all good?" The brunette squinted as he pointed towards the two of us.

"Yep, great" I sarcastically nod as I threw the blanket off my body and walked into the kitchen, John B shooting a confused look to JJ, shrugging in response.

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