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wanna be yours - artic monkeys
Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours



I took a seat on the opposite side of the hammock, JJ's gaze didn't even turn. I rested my legs against his as I used my elbows to prop myself up against the hammock.

"Hi" I started with a slight smile.

"Can I help you?" The blonde asked as he took a hit of his Juul.

"Can you just listen to me for one second" I softly asked, i really needed to talk to him and make him understand what happened.

"I'm listening" He nod as he turned to look at me.

"I just really need to talk to you and explain what happened" I tried, watching him shake his head in disbelief and turn away.

"I don't want to talk to you right now" He informed me, my heart dropped but I continued anyways.

"I know what I did wrong, kill me, I'm a horrible person" I rolled my eyes, part of me not really meaning it as I barely did anything. I pulled away, isolated myself. Didn't know it was a crime to protect him and myself? "Okay, but i didn't mean to ruin our relationship" That part i really did mean.

"Well you did ruin it" He shrugged, his careless expression making my heart break.

"I know JJ!" I shot, not helping my sudden burst of emotion. "I fucking know"

"Look i'm sorry, but I want to be alone right now" He gazed towards his feet as his voice softened.

"Im not leaving" I hurtfully whispered as I shook my head.


"I'm not leaving until you understand how much you mean to me JJ" I blurted out, i meant every word i said though.

"I know how much i mean to you" He ran his tongue against the inside of his cheek. "That's why you broke your promise and let Rafe kiss you"

"That's not what happened!" I rubbed my temples, frustrated he wasn't listening. "You don't understand"

"I understand that you don't care anymore" He pointed to me as he rolled out of the hammock. "You're probably better off with them anyways"

"Wait, no, please don't leave" I begged as he stormed off.

"Go home Hali" He called before swinging open the door and storming inside.

"Fuck" I groaned as I curled myself into a ball and laid on the hammock, watching small waves ripple in the water and leaves rustle in the trees. Small tears trickled in the back of my eyes, overwhelmed by the whole situation. I just needed him to listen to me for literally two seconds so I could explain.

Was that so much to ask for?


John B came out a few moments after JJ stormed inside. He sat himself on the hammock, causing it to sway a little. I stayed in my curled up position, one single tear ran down my cheek. I sniffled as I wiped it away, aware that John B was watching my every move.

"I tried talking to him" I shook my head as I buried it into the hammock. "He won't listen" The brunette stayed silent, a sympathetic look on his face as he watched me. "I don't know what else you want me to do"

"I know Hali" He softly smiled as another tear ran down my face.

"I just need two seconds to explain that I was vulnerable and I pulled away as soon as he did it"

"I'll talk to him" John B offered, rubbing his leg against mine.

"You don't have to do that" I shook my head as I turned to look at him.

"To save your relationship, i do"

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" I frowned, remembering how mad he was a couple days ago.

"I realised that it doesn't matter who kissed you, you realise what you did was wrong and that's all that matters" He shrugged.

I genuinely smiled at the boy. "Thank you"

"Of course" He nod as he rolled out of the hammock to give me space.

"Can I ask one more favour?" I sniffled as I rolled my legs of the hammock.


"Can I sleep here tonight? I don't feel like going home"

"Of course you can" He smiled as he ruffled my hair. I giggled as I pushed his arm away, watching him walk back inside. I sighed of relief as I flopped back onto the hammock.

Two seconds. That's all I needed.



I listened to the leaves quiver in the breeze. One of the stars seemed to move, realising it was an airline when the sound reached me. The deep blue canopy was covered with thousands of pinpricks of cold light. The water in the portholes shimmered by the glow of the bright, yellow street lamps. The small, green trees on the roadside swayed as the strong breeze hit them. It seemed like the clouds had gotten a sudden fascination to the moon and wrapped themselves around it. The moon's faint glow passed through them, coloring them white from grey.

I quietly crept into the chateau, having no where else to go. I was considering sleeping at Hali's but decided to leave it and come back to John B's. I stepped into the room and collided onto an object that seemed vaguely like a box or that's what I assumed. The room was bleak, cold and completely dark. It was quiet and somber in there and I felt a chill as the darkness immerse around me.

I felt around for a flashlight set on a now clean table, thanks to the brunette that cleaned this place. I flicked it on and scanned the room, seeing a figure on the pull out couch. I frowned at the sight, why was John B asleep on the couch?

I stumbled over to the couch, the figure becoming more visible. Her long wavey hair fell in front of her soft face, the blanket half way down her legs as she shivered. I sighed at the sight, Hali. The girl looked so peaceful, i wasn't about to push her off the couch. I set the flashlight down, grabbing the blanket and pulling it back over her.

I knelt down next to her and tucked her hair behind her ears, admiring the sleeping girl. She was so beautiful. The slight freckles that dotted her face, her light brown highlights that came out during the summer, her soft plump lips. She was perfect. I sighed as I took a seat on the floor, crossing my legs to my chest as I wrapped my arms around them. I kept my gaze on the girl, watching her sleep made me calm as a wave of tranquility washed over me.

I flicked off the flashlight and grabbed a pillow from the girls feet, laying it on the floor and curling myself into a ball.

I missed her. A lot. I missed her hugs and kisses. I missed taking to her about random shit that came to our minds. I missed watching the sunset and stars with her. I missed surfing with her. I missed feeling peaceful and happy when I was with her. Now all i felt was betrayal and hurt.

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