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friends - chase atlantic
Girl, tell me what you're doing on the other side
And tell, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy



i woke the next morning in JJ's arms. A blanket wrapped around my body as my head lie in his chest. He had one arm around me and the other rested on my head. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the lighting. JJ stirred a little but stayed asleep, soft snores escaping his mouth.

I pulled the blanket over him before moving the locks of blonde hair out of his face. I placed a small kiss on his forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind me so he wouldn't wake up.

Kiara was already awake as she sat on the porch with Pope, the two talking about zodiac signs and whatnot. I stretched out my arms as I swung open the door.

"Morning babe" Kiara smiled to me as she patted the seat next to her.

"Morning" I smiled as I slumped down next to her, still half asleep. "Hi Pope"

"Morning Hali" He smiled as he gently kicked my leg, sitting opposite from me. I spread my legs over the couch as I lay my head on Kiaras lap, her gently stroking my hair as I let my eyes close.

"Sleep well?" She asked as she wiped the hair out of face.

"Storm was a mess" I ignored her question as the door swung open again, John B appearing.

"Morning" He greeted as he patted my feet. "Been outside?"

"Nah, i have polio, i can't walk" I shook my head, eyes still closed. I could practically see the look of annoyance on John B's face. I heard the screen door creak open as John B groaned, indicating his backyard was probably messed up.

"Morning y'all" I heard JJ's voice as the door swung open once again. I felt sudden weight under my feet as JJ plopped down, taking my feet and laying them on his lap instead.

"Morning" Kiara greeted him.

"Yo, J, Hali!" We heard John B yell from outside. I groaned as I slowly sat up and ruffled JJ's morning hair.

"Come on bubba" He grabbed my hands as the two of us fled outside. The backyard was a mess. The ground was consumed by branches and large twigs. A tree had toppled over, leaving the roots to spring out the bottom. The dock was soaked and the hammock was twisted into a line.

"Woah, agatha did some work huh?" JJ asked as he opened a can of beer.

"Dibs not cleaning this up" I shouted as I tried to bolt back inside, JJ stopping me in the door frame.

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