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grenade - bruno mars
you say you love me
you're a liar
cause you never, ever, ever did, baby



The dads sat busily by the barbecue, talking business and whatnot as the moms stood in the kitchen, gossiping while they drank what's left of the wine. Sarah and I lounged around in the pool, the warm summers heat embracing us.

"BRB" I told Sarah as she nod her head, holding up a thumbs up while sitting in her inflatable flamingo. I hurried to the bathroom, being cautious not to leave wet footprints in my trail.

Scurrying out of the bathroom to hurry back to the pool, i obliviously bumped into a tall dirty blonde figure.

"Fuck" I winced as I rubbed my temples, stumbling back as my vision refocused.

"Sorry, sorry" Rafe apologised, scoffing and trying to push past him. "Wait, wait, wait" He scurried in front of me to stop me from leaving.

"What?" I frowned as I crossed my arms, waiting for an exceptional answer.

Rafe sighed. "I'm sorry" I rolled my eyes and continued to walk off. "Hali, wait" Feeling a hand grab my wrist I shot it out of his grasp.

"What more could you possibly have to say?" I shot, death staring him as I crossed my arms. "What you did was beyond unbelievable, don't fucking talk to me"

"What happened to your legs and hands?" He frowned, examining the covered areas.

"Really?" I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief.

"Hali, i'm sorry. I was just trying to talk to you but you were freaking out"

"Wow" I stood in shock, pissed of at his words and him. "You're unbelievable" I huffed as I began to walk off.

"Please just listen to me"

'Can you just listen to me for one second, JJ'

I stopped in my tracks, reluctantly turning to face the boy. My fist clenched as they swayed by my side. I remembered when I was misunderstood, needing JJ to listen to me. Two seconds was all I needed. Maybe that's what Rafe needed too.

"Right here? Right now?" I frowned, water dripping from my legs as I still stood in my bikini.

"Please" Rafe pleaded as his eyes softened. I groaned as I crossed my arms, reluctantly nodding as I waited for the blonde to explain. "I'm sorry for what I did, it was wrong, I was- high and you didn't deserve what I did"

"Do you regret it?" I questioned as I raised my eyebrows, wanting an honest answer.

"Yes, yes i do" He answered almost straight away, without hesitation. I sighed as I stepped closer to him, placing my hand on his cheek.

"What happened to you?" His faint smile disappeared as his face fell at my words. "I used to love hanging out with you, I would come over just to hang out with you, Rafe" The boy looked like he was about to cry as he listened to me. "These cuts and bruises- they're from you"

"I didn't- i didn't mean to" He frowned with a sad expression, I could tell he was trying his hardest not to let the tears trickle out of his eyes.

"But you still did" I shrugged with a sigh. "You're not the same person I used to know" I let my hand drop from his cheek, immediately feeling it being held again.

"Hali i really like you" Rafe confessed, my heart dropping to my stomach as my cheeks flushed pink. "And i'm sorry about what I did, i'm trying to be better" I stood in shock as I gaped at the boy. I tried to talk but the words wouldn't come out. "Hali?"

"Rafe" I sighed as I shook my head. "You can't- you can't like me"

"What? What do you mean?" He frantically questioned as he cheeks burnt red. "But I do Hali, i really do"

"Rafe" I stopped him from continuing, bringing myself to confront him. "I already have a boyfriend"

"What?" He flabbergasted, his jaw clenching. I ran my hand through my hair as I watched the boy stood lost for words. "Who is it?" He asked sternly.

"It doesn't matter" I denied, seeing the rage arise in his voice.

"Who is it?" He scornfully asked again.

"JJ" I slightly whispered. The blonde nod his head as he ran his tongue against the inside of his cheek, irritated by my answer.

"If you'll excuse me" Rafe aggrieved as he pushed past me, nudging my shoulder on the way pass.

"Where are you going" I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him storm off, his hand sat in a fist.

"To get juice" He called back, disappearing from view.



"See ya" I said my goodbyes and farewells as I plopped my apron on the counter. I had somehow got a new job at a smaller cafe in town, waitressing again. I'm starting to think I have a hidden talent for taking peoples orders and pouring water.

Upon leaving, the broadest smile set across my face, beaming to see Hali again.

"Hello there JJ" The sound of a familiar voice and car door slamming made me snap my head around. My heart thudded against my chest as I clenched my jaw, propping my hand into a fist. "Wondering if we could have a little talk?" Of course it was fucking Rafe.

"Get the fuck out of here" I shot as I stepped closer to the psycho. "I know what you did"

"And what is that, exactly?" He smugly questioned with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Don't fucking play with me" I spat, leaving some excess on his face.

"Oh shit" He chuckled as he wiped the moisture from his cheek. "Relax" He slightly nudged my elbow. I stormed at him, sending a fist to his jaw but he swiftly ducked and wrapped me in a headlock. I squirmed as I tried to break free from his grasp, his lock too strong. "So, about Hali-"

"Leave her the fuck out of this" I shot, not giving up as I continued to squirm around.

"I don't think I will" He chuckled. "I don't know what she sees in you" My blood boiled as my hand clenched into a fist once again, jolting my elbow into his gut. He groaned in pain as he stumbled back, clutching his stomach.

"You think you're any better?" I chuckled, earning a fist to the jaw. The pain shot through the whole side of my face, rubbing it to try and stop the agony. It would definitely bruise. "You-"

"Gentlemen" Was the word that stopped my from beating the son of a bitch up. "Is there a problem here?" My boss came out to see what the commotion was, standing a couple feet away with his arms crossed as he waited for an answer.

"No, not at all" I fake smiled. "I was just heading out" I shot a quick scowl to Rafe before storming away.

"Tell Hali I can't wait to see her again!" Rafe called after me, my blood boiled as the rage arose again. I clenched my fist as I stormed back up to him, pulling my arm back but being pulled back. I shot myself out of my boss's grasp as I was basically escorted out and away.

authors note

y'all thank you so much for 2k reads!! ily

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