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ribs - lorde
you're the only friend i need
sharing beds like little kids
we'll laugh until our ribs gets tough
but that'll never be enough



"Hali" My body shook. "Yo, wake up"

My eyes fluttered open but immediately closed again from the sun creeping into my room. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Finally" I squinted my eyes to see JJ standing over me. He was shirtless and wore black shorts, a shark tooth necklace and some rings that sat around his fingers.

"Morning to you too" I rolled my eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Let's get one thing straight, I am not a morning person. Even though it was like 11:30 already.

"We're going surfing, grab your things" He pulled me out of the bed.

"Why? So i can prove i'm a better surfer than you once again?" I stumbled to my feet.

"Shut up" JJ chuckled as he pushed back my shoulder.

"You didn't answer my question" I squinted.

"Wanted to wake you up myself" JJ smirked. "Besides, your mom let me in, she loves me"

"I'm sure she does" I said sarcastically as I twisted to crack my back.

"I'm waiting outside, don't take four hours" He told me as he walked out.

What's he on about? I'm definitely gonna be taking four hours.

I threw on my new pink floral bikini and some denim shorts, deciding not to wear a top. I grabbed my heart sunglasses that Sarah and I had gotten yesterday, i chuckled at the memory. Yesterday was such a good day but I decided not to tell the pogues just yet, knowing they would freak. I slipped on a pair of flip flops as I shuffled out the door.

"Morning mom" I kissed her on the cheek as JJ watched from the door.

"Nice surprise?" She nodded towards JJ as he winked.

"Just the best" I threw an arm around him as we walked out the door. "See you later!"

"Cute bikini" He placed an arm around my waist as my arm was still around his shoulder. "That new?"

"Yes it is" I nodded. "And how would you know that?"

"Well it's nice and i think i would of remembered if you've worn that before" He smirked as I slapped the back of his head.

"Ow" He winced as he rubbed his head.

"You're such a baby" I laughed as we piled into the Twinkie, John B and Kie up front as Pope sat in the back.

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