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JJ ♡ ______

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My heart broke for Hali. She was so tired and didn't deserve her so-called dad. Hali deserved the world. She deserved someone who loved her unconditionally, through the bad and the good. Hali had the sweetest heart and never wanted but good for everyone.

Everything about her was to awe. Her sparking eyes were irresistibly charming, glowing bright under the stars. It was always gentle, they looked at me with a softness i've never encountered before. Her laugh was a cool autumn breeze; an invigorating breath of life. It was contagious. Her smile was the prettiest thing i'd ever seen. It could light up the world and make everything seem so alive. I could endure any pain when I saw her happy and smiling, and that's what i'd do. I wouldn't stop until she was happy.

Soft snores escape her mouth as I gently stroked her hair. She fell deeper into my grasp, her head resting against the crook of my neck. A small sigh left John B's lips as he watched the girl peacefully sleep. I grabbed the blanket from next to me and wrapped it around her body, leaning myself against the armrest so she could lay comfortably in my arms.

"What are we going to do?" The brunette asked me with a sad expression.

"She needs food, proper food" I told him as I placed a kiss to her head. "Take her, i'll be back" I slowly and carefully released the girl from my arms as I handed her to John B, her head resting on his lap as he stroked her hair.

"Where are you going?" He asked as his eyes set on the girl.

"Heyward's" I informed him as I placed a small kiss to the girls lips, wiping the tears from her cheeks as I grabbed the Twinkies keys and headed to Heywards.


I arrived at the old man's shop and scurried inside, only thinking of Hali. Pope greeted me upon entering, giving him a quick smile back. I grabbed a handful of fruit: apples and oranges, along with some schnitzel and fish.

"This all for you?" Pope asked as he bagged the items.

I shook my head. "It's for Hali"

"Hali?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why, what happened"

I ignored his question as i stuffed my hands into my pockets, digging around for my money. I pulled out only coins as I threw them on the counter, not caring it was the last of my money and i wouldn't be getting anymore since I lost my job.

"Don't worry about it" The brunette shook his head as he pushed the coins back towards me. "I'll pay for it"

"You're not doing that" I said with strict eyes as i pushed the coins back to him. "See you later?" I pointed to him as I backed away with my items.

"Mhmm, hey watch out for the-"

I turned on my heels, smacking my head against the door. I groaned in pain as I rubbed my head.


"Yep, thanks" I slightly smiled as the pain rushed through my head, definitely brushing.


"Hey i'm back" I announced as I pushed the door open with the bags in hand.

"Hey" John B nodded as his eyes gazed upon the tv, Hali still asleep as her head rest on John B's lap, a blanket wrapped around her body.

"She good?" I asked as I set the groceries on the counter, unloading them into John B's kitchen.

"All good" He replied with a thumbs up, looking at the girl just to make sure.

"Popes coming round later" I informed him as I pulled out a knife to cut up an apple. "Should we- ah fuck" I winced as the knife missed the apple and cut my finger.

"Need any help with that?" He asked as I ran my finger under cold water.

"Nope, all good" I sent him a thumbs up as I continued to cut the apple for Hali.

"Don't get any blood on that" He called out, causing the girl to stir a little.

"Would you be quiet?" I shushed him as the brunette rubbed her eyes.

"Why y'all so loud" She groaned as she sat up from her position on the couch, rubbing her temples.

"Hey, hey, hey" I stumbled over to her, tripping on one of John B's shirts on the floor but smoothly recovering as I bent down next to her. "You okay?"

She nod her head as she cupped my jaw, her eyes were red and puffy due to all the crying she'd been doing. She looked less tired though, hopefully more vigorous. She gently placed a kiss to my lips, my stomach churned as a small smile crept across my face.

"Uh" John B stuttered as he watched us.

"Shut up jombee" Hali chuckled as she ruffled his hair.

"Um what?" He smiled with a frown.

"You're clueless, you know that? Clueless" I smirked as I tackled him onto the couch, he tried to fight back but obviously couldn't. I didn't notice Hali had now stumbled to the kitchen.

"What's this?" She pointed to the half cut up apple. "And who's blood is this?" I stumbled to my feet as I pushed John B onto the couch.

"It's not ready yet" I told her as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You're cute" She giggled as she picked up the knife. I placed my hand over hers as she glided the knife through the apple. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as her laugh vibrated onto my chest. I placed little kisses on the back of her head as she placed all the chopped up apple onto a plate.

"There's more food in the fridge" I told her as she gave me a questioning look. "Don't worry, it's from Heyward's" She gasped as she scurried to the fridge and examined the items.

"Aw J" She smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "You didn't have to do that"

"Yes I did" I gave her a stern look as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I can still hear you!" John B yelled from the living room. The two of us chuckled as I leaned in to kiss her, standing on her tiptoes to kiss back. Her hand played with the hair on the back of my head as my grip tightened around her waist.

John B fake gagged as he walked into the kitchen. Hali laughed as she broke the kiss, arms still wrapped around my neck.

"Jealous jombee?" She giggled.

"Stop calling me that" He playfully rolled his eyes.

"But it's your name" She shrugged.

"We need to talk about how this happened" He motioned between the two of us who still held the other in our grasp.

Hali looked at me with a smile as I locked my eyes with hers, placing another kiss on her forehead.


authors note

screaming, crying, throwing up, they're so cute.

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