Azkaban & Classes-Sirius Objects to This Marriage!

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Lucius Malfoy hated the cold. It seeped into his skin and made his bones ache. He couldn't believe his wife had convinced him to go to Azkaban of all places! It was cold and wet! She said it was for Harry and Lucius would do anything for the sweet boy. He didn't know when he had gotten so attached to the boy but he had. Maybe it was all the cookies he had baked for him or buying him new clothes. Harry was just so easy to love. He was polite and kind, he was patient with his son and he didn't care about Light or Dark. So yes, if anything happened to Harry he would burn the world down. Following his wife down the empty hallway, he thought perhaps she was coming here to mock her sister. She did it every year on her birthday "a little treat for myself, darling" but she had never brought him along before and it wasn't her birthday. He decided it would probably be less of a headache if he just did what she said. They passed a couple of those foul Dementor guards and he thanked Merlin everyday his wife could produce a Patronus. It was a swan, an animal that symbolizes love and romance. They were also vicious when their family was threatened. He thought it fit her perfectly.
"Here we are! Cousin Sirius! Come out! We need to speak with you." Sirius Black? Maybe she wanted to murder him for his actions against Harry's parents? He wouldn't blame her so he kept an eye on the hallway, making sure no one would interrupt. The man in question pressed himself against the bars, a wild smile on his face.
"My my, come to see your favorite cousin, Cissy?"
Narcissa summoned a chair and sat down so they were face to face.
"Now Sirius, you know I couldn't stand you growing up. I'm not here for you, I'm here for Harry." Black's face twisted up as he tried to lunge through the bars.
"What have you done to him? I swear to Merlin, if you or your Death Eater husband hurt him, I'll find a way to get out of here!" He snarled out.
"What's this, Cousin? You care about the boy whose parents you betrayed? How interesting" Lucius watched Black flinched back like he had been hit before he pressed himself against the bars again.
"Please Cissy, please don't hurt Harry. He's just a child. He hasn't done anything wrong. Hurt me! I don't care." Lucius felt uncomfortable with Black's begging.
"Don't be ridiculous, Sirius. I'm not going to hurt Harry, he's going to be a Malfoy." Black's face scrunched up in confusion.
"What do you mean?" His wife gave an unhinged grin and said "Well he's going to marry our Draco!"


Sirius Black was not having a good day. Well it was never a good day in Azkaban but he had woken up to a constant drip in the corner of his cell and a rat had chewed a hole in his blanket. He hated rats. He could hear his crazy cousin Bellatrix ranting a couple of cells down. The guards loved keeping families together so they put the Black cousins on the same floor. He shifted into Padfoot and crawled underneath his cot. The Dementors didn't bother him as much in his other form. He was daydreaming about the past when he heard footsteps coming down that hall. He quickly changed back to his human form before putting his back to the wall. Sometimes the human guards came down and roughed up the prisoners. A face he hadn't seen in years yelled out to him. What in Merlin's pants was Cissy doing here? He knew that she came once a year to hurl insults at Bella but she never stopped by his cell. After a rather confusing conversation, he found out they were trying to marry his little godson to their nasty son! His Harry was never getting married, he was too young!
"What? Harry is not marrying your son!" He watched Lucius roll his eyes before he pulled something from his pocket. "Be careful with it," he said as he passed it through the bars. It was a picture. A blonde boy was holding another boy up by his armpits and swinging him round. They were both laughing before they collapsed in a pile. The scene started over. The other boy was Harry! Sirius felt tears fall down his face as he continued to stare at the picture. Harry was so big. He had the signature Potter hair but his eyes were all Lily.
"What do you want?" His cousin gave him a handkerchief and he gladly wiped his face.
"We're getting you out of Azkaban, of course."
"You're what?" Both Lucius and Sirius shouted out.
"Anyone with eyes can see you love the boy and if you love the boy, you wouldn't have helped murder his parents! And frankly, I don't care if you did. Harry is not going back to those muggles and we won't be able to adopt him, so the next best thing is you." She reclined in her chair looking smug as can be.
"Darling, how are we going to get him out of Azkaban?"
"Don't worry, dear. I already have the lawyers working on it." Cissy patted her husband's arm.
"I'm thinking by Yule at the earliest and Easter at the latest. I mean according to my sources, they threw the next Lord Black in prison without a trial. If it can happen to him, who else will fall prey to our corrupt government?" Her voice was full of glee.
"Once you're free, you will need to go to Saint Mungos for a check up. Spending ten years in Azkaban couldn't have been good for you. I'll explain the situation to Harry and see if he wants to write to you. He was sorted into Hufflepuff , you know." Lucius was just oozing pride, his tone full of warmth.
"Hufflepuff?" He barked out.
"He looks wonderful in yellow."
"Good for him! Does he like Hogwarts? Has he made many friends? What's his favorite class?" As the Malfoy's answered all his questions, one was left unanswered. If it was so easy to get him a trial, why had Dumbledore never done it?

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