Exams & Handkerchiefs-Crookshanks Refuses To Eat Actual Cat Food!

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"Stop wiggling, Harry!" Ron said around a mouthful of pins as he made the final adjustments to his robes. He still couldn't believe the masterpiece he had made. If this was the last thing he ever made, it would be worth it. Harry's wedding robes were going to rock the wizarding world.
"I can't help it, Ron!" Harry complained before adding "I've been standing in the same spot for two hours. If I don't move my feet, they'll go numb!" Ron rolled his eyes at his friend's antics but allowed him to sit down. He just had to fix the collar and they would be done.
"Are you ready for the final exams?" He asked and Harry gave him a pitiful look before covering his eyes.
"I don't even want to think about them! Hermione somehow convinced Crookshanks to read her notes to her in her sleep!" Ron shuddered at that. His Vice President was crazy.
"I heard Lavender threatened to shave him if he didn't keep his voice down." He whispered and Harry gasped.
"Hermione's roommates scare me." He admitted and Ron laughed.
"Well they had to deal with Herm for seven years. They had to be tough." Someone coughed from the doorway and Ron whirled around. Ginny was leaning against the door and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Merlin, Gin! Make some noise next time. I thought you were Herm, coming to eat my soul." His sister strutted into the room before stealing some cookies from the plate Mr. Malfoy had sent up.
"It would be a real shame if Herm found out you were talking about her." She said sweetly and he pinched his nose.
"What do you want?" She beamed at him before answering.
"Daph wants to go shopping for Harry and Draco's wedding. I need you to tell Mum you took me." Ron agreed quickly and she skipped out of the room.
"Mrs. Weasley still doesn't like Daphne?" Ron grimaced at Harry's question.
"Mum doesn't like Daphne, Fleur or Marcus. She's not doing herself any favors by being so stubborn. It's not like we shacked up with a Death Eater." Harry giggled, his eyes shining.
"Well maybe you can bring Barty home for dinner? I bet she'd be singing Fleur's praises in no time!" Ron pictured his Mum's face if he led a chained Barty Crouch Jr in the Burrow and used the bed frame to hold himself up as he roared with laughter.
"That's brilliant, Harry!"


Severus Snape was a man of silence. He was happy to keep his emotions in check and never liked giving anything away. He watched his sweet son practice walking across the stage and felt like crying. Ever since the Tonks Incident, students were required to have a mock graduation so there would be no accidents like before.
"Would you like to borrow my handkerchief, Sev? Draco made it for me when he was eight." Lucius held out a stained rag with random stitching on it.
"What exactly is it supposed to say?" Lucius gave him an offended look before clutching the fabric to his chest.
"It obviously says "World's Best Father."" Severus gave him a doubtful look but held his tongue. If he kept feeling things, he would end up needing the nasty thing.
"Hello, boys. Did you miss me?" Cissy squeezed between them and he watched Lucius brighten up.
"My darling wife, I always long for your company." He cooed out. She kissed him cheek before turning to look at him expectantly.
"My dearest Cissy, seeing you has lit up my world." He said in a monotone voice causing her to giggle before kissing his cheek as well. Thank Merlin Sirius wasn't here, he would have demanded a kiss as well. His poor reputation was already in shambles. He couldn't even scare Hermione's ugly cat out of his office. It had ruined his whole day.
"So Sevvy, I already had Dobby clear out the bedroom across from yours. I hope you don't mind?" Cissy asked before she started braiding his hair.
"Ah yes, I was up half the night listening to my husband complain about people invading our home. Do you know how long it took me to convince him to let Draco move in with us?" He scowled and she just patted his face.
"Come now, Sev. We both know you long to wake up to this every morning." She gestured between herself and Lucius.
"You're right. I can't wait to unclog all of your blonde hair out of my shower." She smacked his shoulder before a voice interrupted them.
"Hi father! Hi daddy and mummy Malfoy!" Harry said cheerfully and Severus smiled at his son.
"Are you done, Harry?" He could see some of the other students wandering away and wondered if he could sneak his boy away for a nice snack, just the two of them. He opened his mouth to ask but Cissy was already scooping Harry into her arms.
"You snooze, you lose!" She called out behind her before running away, Harry dangling off her shoulder.
"Merlin, Cissy is so strong!" Lucius sighed dreamily and Severus wondered if Azkaban really was so terrible. Perhaps he could get a cell with a window after he murdered his two best friends?


Hermione hunched deeper into her chair as towers of books surrounded her. The library was empty, just the way she liked it. She had even convinced Madam Pince to go haunt her office so the older woman's breathing wouldn't distract her from her studying. Their final exams started tomorrow and she only had six more hours before her first one. She rubbed her eye before writing down more information. Crookshanks had left four hours ago to sleep, calling her a workaholic as he went. She wasn't a workaholic! She had to prove that she was worthy of being the new Hogwarts Librarian and she wasn't going to do that by failing her exams.
"What is going on here?" A voice murmured from beside her and she jumped before her wand was in her hand. Pretty blue eyes stared at her from either side, identical grins plastered on their faces.
"What are you doing here?" She whispered to George and Fred, looking around to make sure Madam Pince hadn't appeared.
"We got a letter full of cat prints and managed to decipher it. Crookshanks is worried about you." That little traitor! He was only getting wet cat food for a week!
"Don't look like that, Herm love. It's three in the morning and you're revising rune algorithms. We both know you could ace your exams with no hands." Fred commented before pushing her notes away.
"You shouldn't be sneaking into Hogwarts." She reprimanded them, ignoring their concern.
"How could we stay away from our favorite girl?" George asked, his hand catching hers as Fred did the same. She felt her lips curl into a grin at their words. The twins had always made her feel special. It didn't matter that she liked to use her fists to get her point across or that she could ramble about her favorite topics for hours. They would always listen eagerly, excited to hear what went on in her mind.
"Let's go to bed, lovely. You'll fall asleep during your exams, if you don't." George said softly and she shut her notebook.
"I was planning on leaving soon anyways." She stood up and they quickly mirrored her.
"How about we walk you to the common room, for old times sake?" They said in unison, their eyes sparkling.
"I suppose. I would feel more comfortable with two handsome wizards by my side." She tucked her hands in their elbows and let them lead her away.


Draco carried Harry out of Charms classroom.
"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy!" Professor Flitwick said from his desk. Harry had been agonizing over the last question for twenty minutes when the Professor had called him over.
"I'm sure you aced it, husband and if you didn't, Mother will take care of it." He said and Harry scowled at him.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." The Charms Professor called out into the hall.
"I'll pretend I didn't say it!" He shouted back before fixing his hold on his darling.
"I knew the answer. It was orange." Harry said seriously and Draco felt his forehead.
"Love, the question was how could the cheering charm negatively affect one's mood after continuous use?" Draco said slowly and Harry blinked up at him.
"Exactly! I was getting there. Obviously it would cause you to have a dependency on it and you would eventually build up a tolerance. That's why you should find a color that inspires the same feeling in you. It would be a healthier way to invoke happiness without relying on magic. Like the color orange." Draco narrowed his eyes in thought. Why did the color orange make Harry happy? His hair was blonde, not orange. Had one of the Weasleys gotten their claws in his sweet husband when he wasn't looking, like Bill? He knew the eldest Weasley would come back to haunt him! He should have dragged him to the Swamp when he had the chance.
"Orange reminds me of the sunset I saw the day we met." Harry's voice brought him out of his plot for revenge. Once he realized what his darling had said, he kissed him.
"Really?" He asked and Harry nodded his head, his expression dazed. He couldn't keep the smug smile off his face as they made their way to the Great Hall. Of course, Bill Weasley couldn't compete with him. He was in his prime and Bill already had one foot in the grave. He hummed as he pulled the bench out for Harry and sat down next to him.
"Ugh, Draco's in a good mood. Someone pinch him." Pansy complained and hit her head against the table.
"I would but I'm afraid Harry would bite me." Greg commented back and Harry flashed him a toothy grin.
"I'm one hundred percent sure I failed our potions exam. Do you think Professor Snape would let me retake it?" Vince cried out and Draco snorted. His Godfather did not hand out second chances.
"Good luck with that."
"Did you hear about Granger?" Daphne's little sister asked from across the table and Draco leaned forward.
"What about Herm?" She giggled before answering.
"During her Defense exam, she accidentally set one of the examiners' hair on fire." Draco looked across the hall and saw his Vice President calmly eating a sandwich.
"She said she did it on purpose to show the importance of constant vigilance. Auror Moody was one of the examiners and gave her extra credit." Thank Merlin! He adored his friend but he knew she would have an absolute meltdown if anything went wrong on her exams. He made sure Harry was eating his food before chatting with his friends about the wedding. He had less than a week before he would finally bond with his heart and nothing was going to get in his way.

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