Going Back to Hogwarts-Watch Out For the Murder Swamp

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Harry was grossed out. He would not be having children anytime soon. It sounded awful. He was rather happy you didn't get pregnant from kissing though. Perhaps next Yule he would meet Draco under the mistletoe. He couldn't stop blushing at the thought. It was almost time for him to go to bed so he wouldn't be exhausted the next day. Mr. Severus had already left and he wanted to say a quick goodnight to Granny. She seemed rather lonely in her portrait all day.
"Granny? It's Harry!" As he pushed the door open, he saw that there was someone else in her portrait with her. He was pale with shrewd eyes.
"So this is the boy you've been talking about?"
"Yes, this is Harry. Harry dear, this is Phineas Black. He used to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts."
"Hello sir." Harry didn't know why his granny was introducing him to a former Headmaster but it was best to keep his manners.
"Hello boy. Walburga has been telling me you're going to bring glory back to the Black name." He seemed rather unpleasant but Harry responded.
"Yes sir."
"And how are you going to do that? Do you have any special talents? Are you gifted in a certain area of magic?" Harry looked at his granny and saw her glaring at Mr. Phineas.
"Leave the child alone. He has time to grow into himself!" She spat at him.
"Well I do have one cool thing I can do." Harry tried not to brag because Aunt Petunia said it was a nasty habit but Aunt Petunia wasn't here.
"Well boy, speak up!"
"I can talk to snakes." Both Blacks froze before staring at him.
"Harry, you can speak parseltongue?" His granny repeated.
"Um yes. I accidentally freed a snake when I went to the zoo." Harry was grateful his Aunt hadn't heard him speaking to a snake. He shuddered to think what she would have done.
"Boy! Be careful who you tell."
"What? Why?" All the snakes he had talked to had been very friendly! He would love to have one but Hogwarts only allowed an owl, toad or cat.
"Most wizards consider it Dark magic." Mr. Phineas said. That made no sense! It was just a language. He repeated his thought out loud and watched Mr. Phineas gave him a pleasant smile.
"You're right, boy. There's nothing evil about a language. Perhaps you will make the Black family name proud. I will be watching" he left as silently as he arrived. He talked with granny before wishing her a good night and promising to send letters to her through Kreacher. Falling asleep that night, he knew he would miss his family when he went back to Hogwarts.


Hermione was running late! She had been writing in her journal late into the night and now she was paying for it.
"Mum, if I've forgotten anything, you'll owl it to me right?" She asked anxiously. Her mum quickly agreed as they made they're way to the platform. She was thankful her parents took her magic in stride. She knew it hadn't always been easy. As she ran through the barrier with her parents, she saw Harry and Draco.
"Harry! President!" She shouted at them, ignoring the weird looks she received. Harry came running towards her and hugged her.
"Hermione! I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you." She couldn't stop her grin. It still shocked her sometimes that she had true friends. They weren't mean to her and never made her do their homework.
"Hello Vice-President, I'm assuming these are your parents?" Draco asked her.
"Yes! Mum, Dad, this is Harry and Draco, my friends!" She announced proudly. Her parents said hello to her friends and Draco's parents and Mr. Black came over.
"Well hello there, Hermione! It's wonderful to see you again!" Mr. Malfoy said. She had sent him her survey and he had happily answered it and sent it back.
"Hi Mr. Malfoy! Hi Mrs. Malfoy! Hi Mr. Black!" She had stop to take a breath before continuing "these are Draco and Harry's parents!" She saw everyone turn to look at her and she had a sly thought. Draco had informed her of Harry's plan and she was happy to help!
"Harry's other dad is at Hogwarts but he is very nice!" As her parents greeted the other adults, she saw Mr. Malfoy give her a thumbs up. Harry leaned over and said "well done Hermione!" and patted her back.
"There you are!" Ron shouted out. They turned and saw him making his way towards them with his family in tow.
"Oi! Don't make a ruckus in front of Herm's parents!" Twin One said as Twin Two smacked the back of his head. Ron scowled at them before rubbing his head. She couldn't help but notice his parents not saying anything. The boys had never said but she got the feeling that they fell through the cracks often.
"Boys! Don't fight each other." Harry barked out, his hands on his hips. She couldn't stop her giggles at the image he created.
"Yes Mum." All three said in unison causing her to laugh even harder. Percy came running over and skidded to a halt in front of her.
"Hermione!" His eyes were practically feverish.
"Percy!" She replied with the same enthusiasm. She saw Marcus Flint sneak his way over and decided to help the other boy. Sharing a look with twins, she casually started walking forward causing Percy to back up. Twin Two stuck his foot out causing Percy to fall backwards right into the arms of Marcus Flint. Harry had told her of his rather brilliant move and she figured if it worked once, it worked twice. She was pleased to see how red Percy's face was as Marcus escorted him to the train. She couldn't resist high fiving the twins.
"Harry! Don't be teaching Hermione rotten tricks," Sirius said, giving him a stern look. She watched Harry widen his eyes before saying "I don't know what you're talking about Siri." She saw Harry's godfather fold under the look and snickered.
"Hi Harry!" Ginny Weasley said, smiling brightly at him. She saw Harry freeze before hiding behind Mrs. Malfoy.
"Hello Weasley." Draco said, crossing his arms.
"Hello Malfoy." Ginny copied his actions.
"I see you're trying to steal my husband rather early today."
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean. I was just greeting my friend. Jealousy is an ugly trait." Ginny shot back.
"So is stealing!" Draco replied and coughed out "home wrecker."
"It's not stealing if he chooses me!"
"Harry and I will never break up so find someone new to fixate on!" Draco's face was getting red as Ginny's hair.
"Alright children, you're going to miss the train if you keep fooling around!" Mrs. Weasley said, effectively ending their conversation. She said goodbye to her parents and boarded the train. They found Neville in a compartment already and joined him. Draco was cuddling Harry on the seat and muttering about gingers.
"Ron, if you're sister doesn't back off, I'm dragging her to the Black Family Murder Swamp."
"I'd let you, mate. I wouldn't be a good club member if I tried to stop you."
"Can we go back to the Murder Swamp part?" Hermione asked. It sounded interesting.
"Oh the Black family has been ditching their enemies in the Swamp for generations. It was honestly the most efficient way to get rid of people back in the day." Draco answered. Hermione gave a grin and replied "good to know."


After seeing Herm's face Draco decided perhaps he shouldn't have mentioned the Swamp. She looked far too interested. His Mother took him when he was seven and showed him all the cool bones. The Swamp was located on unplottable land and only Black family members knew where it was. So even though everyone knew they had a Murder Swamp, they couldn't prove it.
"My Gran told me her second cousin disappeared one day and she knew he had been taken to the Swamp!" Neveill said. Everyone looked at him and he just shrugged. It was totally possible that one of his relatives murdered Neville's.
"I could send a flower arrangement, if you would like Neville?" Draco offered. Neville gave a snort and said "if you do, make sure I'm there to see my gran's face." The door opened to reveal the Slytherin first years and they all jammed into the cabin.
"For Merlin's sake Draco, scoot over!" Daphne tried to shove him off the couch but Harry held on tight. Rolling his eyes at her, he scooted close to the window. Pansy and Daphne shared their seat while Neville, Hermione and Vince shared the other. That left Greg, Ron, Blaise and Theo to sit on the ground.
"Wow! You're all packed in here huh?" Cousin Tonks said as she forced her way in with Diggory following behind. He watched as she squeezed between Neville and Herm causing Vince to fall off the seat.
"Oi Tonks! I was sitting there." Vince said from the floor.
"Yes, and now you're not!" She replied cheekily.
"Sorry about that! Tonks got us kicked out of the last compartment!" Cedric told them. Draco looked at them curiously "for what?" Tonks scowled and said "just some older years who thought they were too cool to hang out with us." Herm gave her a hug and said "Don't worry, Tonks! I'll threaten them with the Swamp!" The other car got silent as all the pureblood children let out sounds of fear. They had grown up hearing about the Infamous Murder Swamp.
"Er that's okay Herm, I think they were just in a mood." Cedric quickly cut her off causing the others to let out sighs of relief.
"Oh did I tell you guys I got a reply from Griphook?'' Harry asked from his lap.
"You did? What'd he say?" Ron said eagerly. Draco knew Ron didn't like that Headmaster either. It stung his pride that he had been given a lesser punishment because of his House. Ron knew what it was like to be punished unfairly for something and it made him upset that his Headmaster had made him an unwilling accomplice.
"He said my cloak was tampered with! It had compulsions on it!" Harry announced to the room full of children.
"He did what?" Pansy shrieked sounding like Aunt Walburga. Draco shook his head trying to get rid of the sudden ringing in his ears.
"Pans! My ears!" Blaise cried out.
"Sorry but it's dangerous for a minor to be around compulsions too long! It could lead to personality shifts or even an identity crisis! How can you know who you are when someone else has been filling your mind with what they think you should be?" Pansy continued. Draco was horrified. Dumbledore had done this to his beloved?
"Harry, what were the compulsions?" Cedric asked his fiancé, his normally cheerful face serious.
"Every time I'd wear the cloak, it would make me get into mischief and seek out Gryffindors" he recited.
"That makes no sense! Why would he want you to seek out Gryffindors?" Ron asked. Draco agreed with him. Harry had plenty of friends in all of the Houses, why single one out?
"Well if Harry shuns the other Houses and only hangs out with Gryffindors, wouldn't that be the type of behavior you'd expect from the Boy-Who-Lived?" Theo asked from the floor. Merlin! Draco had forgotten about all that nonsense but it seemed Dumbledore hadn't.
"The goblins are running an investigation now." Harry told them.
"Harry, do you think they could give me a copy of their findings? I think the school board would be interested to hear about this as well!" Herm looked downright diabolical as she rubbed her hands together. Draco decided he would also use his secret weapon to mess with Dumbledore. He would not allow any more nonsense from the old man.

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