Newspapers & Former Professor's-Moaning Myrtle Is a Peeping Tom

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Hermione sprinted through the corridor, her feet thudding on the ground. It was exactly 6:43 in the morning and she was the first one in the Great Hall. She sat down at the Gryffindor table and waited. Eight minutes later, a singular owl flew through the window carrying a newspaper. She couldn't contain her excitement and ripped open the letter attached to its leg.
"Dear Miss. Granger.
I didn't expect you to contact me but I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. I hope you enjoy the first page. Please let me know if I can help you in any way. Rita Skeeter." She unfolded the paper to the headline screaming "Defense Professor Bullies Children." It had a picture of Lockhart leaning over Harry with his collar in his hands. The picture played on a loop and you could see the spit flying as he yelled. It was magnificent. She read the article and started duplicating it. She put one underneath every plate except the Headmaster's. She had already sent a letter to the board about his crazed actions with a snippet of the scene given to her from Headmaster Black. Other students started coming in and she hurried to her seat. The whispering started immediately as everyone looked at the paper. It was like music to her ears.
"Herm, you have that look on your face again." Ron said as he started filling his plate up with food.
"What look?" He wrinkled his nose and replied "the look that screams "I'm going to burn my enemies to the ground so watch out!"" She gave a snort.
"Don't be ridiculous. Think of the smell!" The twins sat on either side of her.
"Morning Herm! We see you've been busy." She ignored them and focused on Lockhart slinking into his chair. He was wearing a headscarf to hide his lack of hair. He gave a scream when he saw the headline and all the students started talking louder. This year was already shaping up to be lovely, she thought and started buttering her toast.


Fleur stomped her foot down and heard a satisfying crunch as she broke the other girl's finger. Gabrielle was hissing to MH, terrifying the rest of the girls.
"Now does anyone else have any objections to my position?" She asked and they all voiced their support. The second she got back to school, she started her campaign. She had easily conquered the other two Houses and that had just left her own. Bellefeuille was personal. Her own House had mistreated her so she was happy to save it for last. Hermione had given her a five step plan to take over her school. She was already on step four. Merlin, why hadn't she done this ages ago? The next couple days passed by quickly and she marveled at the fact that she could walk down the halls and not get harassed. Sure, some of the students called her an "ice queen" but she didn't care. She happily wrote to her parents and enjoyed the chocolate and encouragement they wrote back. Gabrielle was milking her fake Parseltongue. The students whispered that she was going to make her pet eat them in their sleep. Fleur wouldn't be surprised if she made the other students call her Lord. The girl was such a pain, she sighed. Draco had written to her that he got permission from his Aunt to invite her to Hogwarts! As she packed her things, she couldn't wait to see everyone.
"Make sure you tell Ron I said hi." Gabrielle said slyly and easily dodged the fireball she threw at her.
"Shut up!" She hissed, her cheeks flaming.
"Hello! Are you ready, dear?" Pater's voice echoed from downstairs and they both ran to greet him. The other girls were eyeing them and Fleur gave them a warning look. Harry had filled her in on his own homewrecker issue and she was not about to have anyone get any ideas.
"Pater! We've missed you!" Hugging him tightly, she marveled at how easily Pater fit into their family. He was the missing piece they had needed.
"I've missed you too, girls." Pater said warmly, his face soft.
"Gabrielle, please make sure to keep everything running smoothly while I'm gone." Some students paled at the idea of Gabrielle in charge. They would be begging her to come back and save them. Her smile was full of satisfaction as she took Pater's hand and let him lead her through the floo.


Draco couldn't help his excitement. He hadn't told Harry that Fleur and Remus were coming to visit.
"Draco, I thought you had a meeting. Why are we going towards the entrance hall?" Harry looked so cute when he was confused. He had his hair in two buns on top of his head and his headband was a pretty red color. Daphne had helped Harry try out various hair styles and Draco would buy her some treats for making his darling look so adorable.
"Hello cub!" Harry's head snapped to the side as he stared at Fleur and Remus before running at them. Remus scooped him up and swung him around.
"Remy! Fleur! I've missed you both so much!" Harry was sniffing slightly as Fleur cuddled him close. Tonks slid around the corner and froze, her lightning bolt "scar" standing out on her forehead.
"Professor Lupin!" She screamed and started shouting out Defense questions. Remus laughed and said "one question at a time, Tonks!" Harry suddenly got a wicked look on his face and whispered to Fleur. She looked confused but took her wand out and casted "Sonorus!"
"Professor Lupin is in the entrance hall." She said and her voice echoed down the halls. It was silent and then feet came stampeding down the corridor.
"Professor Lupin!" "Sir, you're back!" "Please help me with this spell sir!" Students surrounded them from all Houses. Remus looked flabbergasted that he was getting so much attention. His darling was so sneaky, he thought proudly. This would definitely throw Lockhart off his feet. Draco saw Diggory and waved him over.
"Draco, I really need Professor Lupin's help-" He cut him off.
"Don't care, Diggory. We need to start our meeting so watch out for Harry. As Family, it's the least you can do." Diggory sighed and agreed. Draco walked over to Harry and gave him a quick kiss, ignoring the students catcalling them.
"Alright Fleur! Let's go meet the others!" She grabbed his arm and said "after you, President!"


Harry watched all the students clamor for Remy's attention and couldn't help his pride. This is how it should've been if Dumbledore didn't fire him! He cocked his head to the side when he heard a voice.
"I'm so hungry! And lonely. No one ever comes to visit me. Perhaps I should eat the two legs? No, that would be silly. Unless they wander into my den? If they wander into my den, then I can eat them!" The voice was talking to itself and Harry looked around. He didn't see a single snake anywhere! He could tell Parseltongue and English apart now from practicing with Chop. He blew Remy a kiss and started following the voice. It seemed like it was coming from the walls? He leaned his head against the wall and hissed out "hello? Are you stuck?" It was silent until the snake hissed excitedly "food? I mean food? Uh two legs! You can hear me?" Harry was about to answer when someone spoke up behind him.
"Harry, should I be concerned that you're hissing at the wall?" He jumped and blinked at Cedric.
"Have you been here this whole time?" Cedric paused before responding.
"Did you just notice? I've been talking to you for ten minutes." Harry patted his shoulder.
"Sorry, there's a snake trapped in the wall! You can pinch my cheeks if it'll make you feel better." He gave him a look and clarified "the cheeks on my face." Cedric looked like he was about to throw himself off the bannister.
"I think I'll pass. Draco finally stopped telling everyone I was a pervert." Harry gave a giggle and went back to hissing at the wall.
"Are you still there?" It was quiet before a sullen voice finally replied.
"Oh you've remembered me? I see I'm just a distraction to you. It's fine, I'll just go chew on my tail or something." Harry covered his mouth so the sassy snake wouldn't hear his laughter. He seemed rather dramatic. Maybe he'd be a good companion for his godfather!
"If you lead me to where you are, I can help get you out of the wall!" He hissed out and the snake gave an amused hiss.
"I'm rather big. I don't know how you'll be able to help, food. If you want to try, I'd be more than happy to lead you to my den. Are you going to bring more two legs? I'm so hungry. I won't eat them though, I'll just look and maybe give a little nibble." Harry decided he wouldn't tell Cedric his new snake friend might eat them and agreed to follow his directions.


Percy Weasley froze when he heard the door creak open.
"Marcus, I think someone's coming in." Marcus just gave him a sly smile and said "it's probably just Myrtle babe." Percy didn't know how Moaning Myrtle's bathroom became their meeting spot. No one ever visited her and she usually kept to herself. She was a little snoop though. He couldn't count the times he caught her peeping at them.
"Just ignore her, love. We rarely get some alone time." Percy thought about it and decided he would try and block out the creepy girl. Marcus could be quite convincing when he wanted to be.
"Hi Percy! Hi Marcus!" Harry Potter was standing on the toilet in the stall next to them, only two buns visible over the divider.
"Harry! What are you doing here?" He pushed Marcus away and discreetly straightened his clothes.
"Me and Cedric are going to get my friend out of the wall!" The boy's cheerful voice called out. Percy opened the stall door and saw Cedric Diggory giving them a disapproving look.
"You guys better hope Draco doesn't hear about this." He muttered under his breath. Percy winced. He heard all about Malfoy's purity speech and he was not interested in getting scolded by a second year.
"Did you say your friend's in the wall, Harbear?" Marcus asked, buttoning his shirt casually.
"Yes! He seems lonely so I thought I'd help him." The boy announced proudly and Percy couldn't help cooing at how cute he looked.
"It's a snake. We've been walking all over the castle with Harry's head against the wall." Cedric explained, looking impatient. Harry walked over to the wall and started hissing loudly. Myrtle suddenly gave a wail and flew out of the toilet from the stall they were just in. Percy scowled at her. He knew the little wench was spying on them!
"What are you do-" she stopped when she saw Harry hissing, "oh! You're cute! What's your name?" There was an abrupt grinding sound and one of the sinks sunk down to reveal a black hole. Harry gave a squeal and leaned over the opening.
"My friend's down there! Let's go!" Percy watched Cedric roll up his sleeves and stretch his arms out.
"Harry, if I die, I will never forgive you!" Cedric threatened the other Hufflepuff. Myrtle gave a high pitched laugh and said "if any of you die, you're welcome to share my toilet!"

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