Quidditch & Luna- Neville Refuses To Look at Anyone's Arse!

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Harry peeked out from underneath the stands. Draco was yelling at his teammates as he threw his
leg over his broom and kicked off. He looked so cool! Harry would never get over how handsome Draco looked with his hair ruffled by the wind.
"Harry, are you creeping on Draco?" Ron's voice came from behind him.
"Yes." He nodded his head as his eyes followed his fiance.
"And why can't you watch from the stands, like literally everyone else?" Harry punched Ron's shoulder.
"Because" he emphasized "Draco will get distracted." Ron rolled his eyes at him as he grabbed a pumpkin pasty from his snack pile.
"I see so you're just secretly watching him. Well whatever you guys are into." Harry ignored his friend and focused on his beloved. He lazily drifted back and forth as he kept his eyes out for the snitch. Harry had already spotted it five minutes ago. Tomorrow was the first game of the season and he couldn't wait to watch him. He had successfully created the Hogwarts Cheer Team his fourth year. They cheered at every game in neutral colors. Harry always wore a green bow to show off his Slytherin pride, much to Draco's amusement. He was still daydreaming when grey eyes were in front of him.
"I knew I felt someone watching me! Hello, my heart." Draco said happily as he flew closer.
"Draco! You're supposed to be practicing."
"How could I practice when my lucky charm is hiding away?" Harry could hear Ron pretending to puke in the background.
"Well I suppose we could move." He said reluctantly.
"Perfect!" He announced before flying away. Ron helped him pick up all of his treats before following him out.
"I'm surprised you didn't try out for the Hufflepuff team, Harry." Ron commented as they got situated.
"You know I think Quidditch is boring. Just because I'm alright on a broom doesn't mean I have to play." Oliver Wood had bullied him into playing a couple of scrimmage games with him before he graduated. The only reason he had agreed was because the older boy had been crying as he asked. He ended up the same way when they were done.
"You're a natural, Harry! If you and Malfoy have kids, let me know. I'll drop everything to coach them." He went on to mutter about unstoppable Drarry children before Harry had left him behind.
"Don't let Oliver hear you say that. He'd probably send you a howler on not "utilizing your skills" or something." Ron laughed as he slumped in his seat.


Sirius painted his face red and gold before fixing his hat. Luna had made him a lion hat that actually roared! Severus froze when he walked into his office before walking forward slowly.
"That's an interesting hat, dear." Sirius grinned at him.
"Thank you! I think I look very eye-catching in it." He struck a pose before Harry came in. He took one look at him before laughing.
"You look so silly, papa!" He gasped out between giggles.
"Harry, my own son. Attacking his papa! Oh, my poor heart can't take such a betrayal." He wailed before draping himself on the sofa.
"Are you cheering today, Harry?" Severus asked as Sirius opened one of his eyes to stare at them.
"Yes, father." He said stiffly. It seemed they were still having a little spat.
"I want you both to make up." He announced and they gave him identical looks of annoyance. It was funny to see how much Severus and Harry looked alike when they did that.
"Well I wouldn't be upset if father hadn't grounded me for saying the word shag." Harry muttered under his breath and Severus's eye started to twitch.
"No son of mine is going to say such vulgar words." They looked like they were about to start fighting again so Sirius did the only thing he could think of to stop them. He held his breath until he fainted. When he came to, they were both hovering over him.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked, concern etched on his face.
"Oh goodness, I don't know what happened. Perhaps you should both just stay beside me?" He said slowly and they both nodded.
"Well let's go check out the game!" Sirius said cheerfully as he hopped up. His vision actually got dark for a moment before he steadied himself. The things he did for love, he mentally rolled his eyes.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Severus murmured before taking his arm and placing it on the inside of his elbow. Harry did the same on his other side.
"Well I have two handsome men escorting me to a Qidditch match! I couldn't be happier."

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