Baking & Talks-Draco Fainted and It's Totally Normal!

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Lucius hadn't seen his son in a week. Mimi had been bringing him clothes everyday and Narcissa was visiting her sister. He decided enough was enough! He called out "Grimmauld Place" and went through the floo. Brushing soot off his trousers, he stomped down the hall. He went to the kitchen and found Harry digging around the cupboard.
"Harry, my darling child. I've missed you so much!" He cried out, scooping his sweet son into his arms. Harry was finally gaining some weight! How wonderful!
"Hi Mr. Malfoy! I've missed you too." Harry hugged him back tightly. Lucius was so proud of him. He remembered when Harry refused to look him in the eye and now he hugged him!
"I've missed you more, darling! Where is everyone?" He was surprised to find Harry by himself. He knew Draco was attached at the hip with the other boy.
"Sirius and Draco are fighting to see who has nicer hair. They've been locked in the bathroom for twenty minutes already! Mr. Severus and Remy are brewing potions together." Harry told him as he dug another bowl out. "And we're going to bake together!" He finished, giving him a wide smile. Lucius felt his heart grow three sizes bigger. Draco had inherited Narcissa's ability in the kitchen unfortunately. After his thirteenth burnt cake, his son had decided baking was not for him. That left Lucius with no one to share his passion with until now. Giving a sniff, he replied "I would love to!" Five dozen cookies later, Lucius decided if Draco ever broke up with Harry, he would disown him. He never knew baking with another person could be so much fun!


Harry hummed as he iced the sugar cookies. Mr. Malfoy was mixing the dough for some lemon cookies. They had already lined the counters with different desserts already. Harry never had anyone to bake with before. By the time he was tall enough to reach the stove, he was old enough to read recipes so Aunt Petunia had never bothered to teach him. It was really nice! Mr. Malfoy didn't yell at him or smack him with a spoon.
"Something smells wonderful!" Mr. Severus said as he and Remy walked through the door.
"Harry and I have been baking together." Mr. Malfoy beamed at them. Harry couldn't help his joy at how happy the other man was to spend time with him.
"It looks like you two have done a great job!" Remy said. Harry reached for the chocolate cookies he made specifically for Remy and handed them to the werewolf.
"We made them in the shape of wolves for you!" Remy gave him a smile and took a bite.
"These are the best cookies I've ever eaten, cub!" Harry gave him two more plates, urging him to eat more. The door was thrown dramatically open as Draco and Sirius strutted through. Sirius had his hair in soft waves going down his back. Draco had his hair cut short and shaved on the sides. Harry couldn't stop his squeal.
"Draco! Look at your hair! It looks so good!" Harry gushed, reaching up to touch it. Draco buried his face in his shoulder and said "you really like it? Lord Black helped me." Harry thought he looked cool. "Yes! I think you look very handsome." He watched Draco's eyes turn soft and he leaned forward. Harry's eyes crossed as Draco got closer, their nose's brushing. Harry's mind went blank. Oh. My. Gosh. Draco was going to ki- flour went everywhere as Sirius threw a handful at them. Harry started sneezing as Mr. Malfoy yelled at him to get out of the kitchen. Harry could feel his face flush and blamed it on his sneezing fit, refusing to look at Draco.


Sirius felt his eye twitch as he double checked their bags. That little twerp had tried kissing his godson right in front of him! He took a deep breath and let it out. Cissy would feed him to the dementors if he did anything to her precious son. They were leaving for France today and he would be on his best behavior.
"Are you still pouting, Sirius?" Severus was leaning against the doorway. Sirius glared at him.
"I'm not pouting! I'm just worried about Harry getting mono!" Sirius had gotten it four times when he was younger. He had also kissed most of Hogwarts but that wasn't the point!
"Darling, leave them alone. What's wrong with them kissing hm? They're just children." Severus leaned came over and sat beside him.
"I know but that would mean Harry's growing up!" Severus just waited for him to continue.
"I've already missed so much of his life, soon he's going to be moving out and getting married. He won't need me anymore." Sirius heard his voice crack as he finished.
"Sirius love, Harry will always need you. It might change slightly as he gets older but he will always need his godfather." As if to prove his point, there was a knock on his door and Harry pushed it open.
"Padfoot, do you think I'm weird?" Harry didn't look at him as he asked. Sirius was quick to pick him up and set him down between him and Severus.
"Why would you think that pup? Did someone call you weird? Tell me who and I'll bury them in the garden!" Sirius said viciously. Harry rubbed his hands together and said "we ran into my cousin Dudley yesterday and he said once my friends learn how much of a freak I am, they'll run away. I've been trying not to do anything freaky but sometimes I can't help it!" Harry said in a rush. Sirius felt his heart freeze. His godson was holding back his magic? That wasn't safe!
"Harry, look at me." Once he finally lifted his head, he continued "there is nothing weird or freaky about you. Please promise me you won't hold your magic back anyone. It could seriously hurt you." Harry seemed to think about it before he said "okay. I won't hold it back anymore."
"As for your friends leaving you? That won't happen. I mean they have a club dedicated to you! Don't think I didn't see that Malfoy boy trying to kiss you earlier!" He watched Harry's face turn red and he stood up quickly.
"Well thanks for the talk. Love you. Bye." And ran out of the room. He came back and said "love you too Mr. Severus." And ran off again. Severus turned and looked at him. "We really need to do something about that wretched family." Sirius had a plan.


Draco was an idiot. He tried to kiss Harry in a room full of people! Of course he would be embarrassed! Lord Black hadn't even hesitated to interrupt them, the wanker. Once they got to France, he would romance Harry and kiss him underneath the stars. They would be celebrating his birthday in a couple days and he knew what he'd be wishing for. The object of his thoughts came racing in.
"What's wrong Harry?" Harry stared at him and stomped closer. "Sirius was making fun of you for trying to kiss me." Harry announced. Draco did not appreciate Lord Black trying to block him! He knew the other man was trying to get rid of him. Who else would put itching powder in his underwear drawer or change his shampoo to conditioner? The man was a menace and- Harry gently reached for his face. Draco felt his heart speed up and his hands get sweaty.
"Harry?" He whispered, his voice still sounding loud. Harry stood on his tiptoes and brushed his lips against his. Draco's brain short circuited and his soul left his body. Harry was kissing him! Merlin, it was everything he'd dreamed of and more.
"Draco? Are you okay?" He opened his eyes to find Harry staring down at him. When had he gotten on the floor? He quickly stood up and brushed imaginary dust off his shirt.
"I'm fine, darling. You just surprised me, that's all." He wasn't surprised he had fainted for a moment. He was just kissed by an angel.
"Was that okay?" Draco grabbed Harry's shoulders gently and said "I could spend forever kissing you and never get tired of it, my love." Harry gave him a shy grin and said "perhaps we should try again?" Draco was quick to agree. That's how Mr. Lupin found them twenty minutes later. They all stared at each other before he said "I did not see anything and I was never here. We have ten minutes before we have to leave" and walked away. As Kreacher shrunk their luggage, Draco knew this was going to be an unforgettable vacation.

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