Tomatoes & Cake-Hermione and the Twins Team Up For the Best Present Ever

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Harry yawned and snuggled closer to Draco. He was about to fall back to sleep when he heard someone cough. He sat straight up and found everyone in their room.
"Happy birthday, my love." Draco said, his smile wide.
"Oi! We were all going to say it together!" Sirius barked out, Mr. Severus holding him back.
"Happy birthday 'Arry!" Fleur and Gabrielle shouted out. Mr. Malfoy crawled up the bed and hugged him tight.
"Happy birthday, my precious son." Harry was pretty sure he was crying but he didn't have his glasses on yet.
"Alright! Everyone get out so Harry can get ready!" Mrs. Malfoy said, dragging Mr. Malfoy out by his collar. Harry had never had anyone wish him happy birthday before. His relatives hadn't deemed it important. It wasn't surprising considering Aunt Petunia wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire. He had asked her once why he didn't get any presents or a party.
"You want presents, boy?" Her lip was curled back, her eyes narrowed in distaste.
"Here. Your present is weeding the garden. You better get it done before Vernon gets home or else." Harry didn't get it done in time and spent the next two weeks in his cupboard. He learned never to ask for anything from that woman again.
"Harry?" Draco's voice brought him out of his depressing thoughts. "Are you okay?"
"Yes! I was just surprised." He hopped out of bed and went to his wardrobe.
"I would hope so! Father has been planning this for weeks. Mother said he was trying to buy Gringotts." Draco snickered. Harry turned to look at him.
"Why would he do that?" Draco understood his unasked question. Why would he do that for Harry?
"Because Father loves you. Of course, I love you more but I suppose I could share." Draco sighed and wrapped his arms around him.
"Oh." His voice sounded odd, shaky in a way that would have had Aunt Petunia furious. Draco just held him tighter.
"I heard Lord Black said we could have cake for breakfast, if you're up for it." Draco said slyly.
"You know I would never turn down cake!" He threw on some clothes and dragged his fiancé out of their room.


Hermione stared at the giant bounce castle. It looked like someone had put an enlargement charm on it because she had never seen one so big! She was so happy for her friend. People tended to forget it was Harry who befriended her first. She would always stand by his side.
"Happy birthday Harry!" She picked him up and spun him around, loving the sound of his laughter.
"Hermione! I'm going to throw up! Sirius let me eat half a cake for breakfast." Harry giggled in her ear. She didn't want him to actually throw up so she set him down gently. He was wearing a crown that said birthday boy. She was almost positive it had real diamonds in it.
"Herm! How are you?" Tonks threw her arm around her shoulder, her hair bright pink.
"Tonks! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" Harry pouted.
"Don't cry, my love. Your favorite Black is right here." The older girl cried out. Draco appeared at her side and said "I think you mean right here." He pointed towards himself and elbowed her away from Harry.
"Er Happy birthday, Harry." Cedric said, his cheeks flushed. She watched Tonks leer at the boy before she announced "Ceddy and I are dating, by the way. I asked him out last month and the idiot practically climbed me like a tree!"
"Tonks!" Cedric hissed, his flush spreading down his neck.
"No need to be embarrassed, babe! Now Draco won't try to fight you all the time." Draco gave her a dubious look.
"Well congratulations to you both." Draco finally said, his hand reaching for Harry's. Hermione squealed internally. She was practically drowning in love and she lived for every second of it! Romance had always been her biggest weakness.
"Now we just need to find you a partner, Herm!" Tonks said, looking her up and down.
"Or two." Harry said secretly, giving Draco a look.
"No thank you! I won't be able to focus on my studies if I'm distracted by someone. Our OWL's are coming up!" She told them and Ron snorted as he joined them.
"OWL's aren't until fifth year, Herm! Let loose and relax!" She gave him a frosty look before opening her mouth to lecture him about the importance of grades and their effect on their future. She was abruptly cut off by the twins carrying her off while shouting "last one to the bouncy house is a rotten dragon's egg!"

Ron couldn't help his glee as he jumped higher and higher. Who knew muggles could make something so fantastic? He saw Fluer trip forward and come flying straight at him. He tried to dodge her but they fell in a tangle of limbs.
"Merlin, are you okay?" Her face was inches from his own and she seemed to freeze before yanking them both up. Ron looked down and saw his feet were a couple of inches from the ground. What were these girls eating? She was as strong as Herm!
"My apologies! I didn't mean to run into you! Are you okay?" She was patting his sides like he might have gotten stabbed or something.
"I'm fine! Are you okay? I think I heard your teeth click together." He was concerned. When he was young, Percy had tripped down the stairs and chipped one of his teeth. It was horrible.
"I am fine! Thank you." She practically shouted at him before running off. He shared a look with the twins and they shrugged looking as confused as he felt. Maybe it was a French thing?
"Alright children! Gather around." They all followed Mr. Blacks voice and found him standing around baskets full of tomatoes.
"Whoever can hit him with the most tomatoes wins a prize!" There was a life size cutout of Professor Dumbledore standing in the middle of the lawn. He saw Herm and Draco stare each other down before they started launching tomatoes like their lives depended on it.
"Are you not going to play?" Gabrielle asked, Miss. Moon draped across her shoulders.
"And get between those two nutters? No thanks. I'm ninety percent sure Herm is trying to set it on fire with her mind." He told the other girl and she laughed.
"I like you Ron! It's almost like you're the older brother I never had." She announced before walking away. He decided the French were weird before going to find Neville.


Narcissa knew she was biased but her husband was so cute! He had been running around all day to get things done. She loved a man in charge, she thought dreamily.
"Alright dear, open it up!" Harry glowed with happiness, his eyes shining brightly. She was happy they were able to give him so much joy. When they first brought him home, she was worried those filthy muggles had broken him with their cruelty. He opened his gift to reveal a necklace made out of butterbeer caps.
"It's from Luna! She said it'll keep the wrackspurts away!" He said cheerfully as Draco helped put it around his neck.
"That's very nice of her, pup!" Sirius said encouragingly, obviously having no clue what wrackspurts were. She was pretty sure they weren't real but she wouldn't be telling him that any time soon.
"'Ere you go, 'Arry!" Gabrielle handed him a silver package. He carefully tore off the paper to find a hair clip in the shape of wings.
"It belonged to our grandmère! She was happy to pass it on to our new sibling." Fleur said proudly. Harry held them both tight, thanking them repeatedly. Neville had given him some scales from his crocodiles and Ron had sewn matching friendship bands for everyone to wear around their ankle.
"Mine is next! The twins helped me with it." Hermione had a diabolical grin on her face, her hair two sizes bigger than it had been before. Harry opened their gift and she watched his mouth fall open. He continued to stare and she saw Draco give him a worried look.
"Darling?" Her son said softly. They were all shocked when Harry started laughing loudly, his shoulders shaking. They looked at Hermione and the twins for an explanation.
"My parents are dentists so they have clients all over. Well I happened to stumble across Harry's relative's address after I cashed in some favors!" The twins picked up where she left off. "So we met up and took a trip to their house. We had Kreacher take the pictures." Harry passed the photos around and she could help her cackles. The first photo showed the twins throwing eggs at the plain muggle home. The second one was Hermione launching bricks through the windows as the twins tried and failed to stop her. The final photo was Harry's muggle Aunt looking absolutely horrified as she was pelted with more eggs.
"This is evil! I love it!" Remus said, his grin feral as his canines poked out of his mouth.
"I agree! Well done children!" Severus praised them.
"This has been the best birthday ever!" Harry exclaimed. Draco gave him twelve kisses as Sirius shouted for Lucius to obliviate him. They were all ridiculous, she thought fondly.

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